If you want to know, the deep lake located at the border of Bolivia and Peru, read Facts about Lake Titicaca. The lake takes the records as the largest lake in South America by the surface area and by the water volume. The surface elevation of Lake Titicaca is measured at 12,507 feet to 3,812 m. People often recognize the lake as the highest navigable lake. Many commercial crafts are navigated here.
Facts about Lake Titicaca 1: SS Ollanta
SS Ollanta takes the record as the largest vessel floating on Lake Titicaca. It has the length of 259 feet or 79 meter. The weight is 2,200 tons.
Facts about Lake Titicaca 2: the location
As I have stated before, the lake is located at the boundary of Bolivian and Peru in the Andes. The La Paz Department of Bolivia features the eastern side of Lake Titicaca. Puno Region in Peru houses the western part of Lake Titicaca.
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Facts about Lake Titicaca 3: the Strait of Tiquina
Strait of Tiquina links the two separate sub-basins of Lake Titicaca. From the narrowest part, it is 2,620 feet apart.
Facts about Lake Titicaca 4: the sub basins of Lake Titicaca
Wiñaymarka is the smaller sub-basin located in Lake Titicaca. The maximum depth is measured at 131 feet or 40 meter. The mean depth is at 30 feet or 9 meters. Lago Grande is the larger one. This sub-basin is also called Lago Chucuito.
Facts about Lake Titicaca 5: the river system
Lake Titicaca gains the water from the five primary rivers. They are Suchez, Huancané, Ilave, Coata and Ramis. The additional water is taken from the small streams.
Facts about Lake Titicaca 6: the islands
Lake Titicaca features 41 islands. The high level of population is spotted in some of the islands.
Facts about Lake Titicaca 7: the water pollution
The people concern a lot with the level of water pollution in Lake Titicaca. It is the major threat for the ecology as well as the biodiversity of the lake. It received the nomination as the Threatened Lake of The Year by GNF or Global Nature Fund in 2012.
Facts about Lake Titicaca 8: the temperature
The average surface temperature of Lake Titicaca is around 50 to 57 degrees F or 10 to 14 degrees C during the cold and windy conditions.
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Facts about Lake Titicaca 9: the aquatic species
There are at least 530 aquatic species housed in Lake Titicaca. The water birds also consider the lake as their home.
Facts about Lake Titicaca 10: other animals
The snails are the other animals found in the lake. The 15 of 24 species of freshwater snails are native to the lake.
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