Facts about Layers of the Earth define the interior structure of earth. When you study the layers of earth, you will notice the rheological and chemical properties. The layers remind you with those of onion. There are several layers of earth, which include the outer silicate solid crust, the viscous mantle, liquid outer core and solid inner core. Each layer has their own characteristics, which distinguish them from other layers.
Facts about Layers of the Earth 1: how to define the internal earth structure
Various observations and researches have been conducted to define the internal structure of earth. It involves with analysis of the seismic waves, bathymetry, observations of rock in outcrop, topography, the deep interior temperature and volcanic activity.

Hollow Earth
Facts about Layers of the Earth 2: the mass
The mass of earth is defined by calculating the force of earth’s gravity. Another way is checking the motion of orbiting satellites.
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Facts about Layers of the Earth 3: how to define the structure of earth
The properties of earth’s structure can be defined chemically and mechanically.
Facts about Layers of the Earth 4: the mechanical definition of earth’s structure
The division of earth’s structure, which includes sphere, asthenosphere, mesospheric mantle, outer core, and inner core, is seen based on the mechanical properties.

Layers of the Earth
Facts about Layers of the Earth 5: the chemical definition of earth’s structure
If you check the chemical division of earth’s structure, it begins with the crust. Then it is followed by upper mantle, lower mantle and outer core. The inner core is located at end.
Facts about Layers of the Earth 6: the depth of crust
The depth of the crust is around 5 to 7 kilometer. It is located at the outermost layer of earth. The oceanic crusts are considered as the thin parts composed of basalt. The continental crust has thicker texture than the oceanic crusts.

Layers of the Earth Pic
Facts about Layers of the Earth 7: the rocks of crusts
There are two primary classifications of rocks on earth’s crusts. They are sima and sial.
Facts about Layers of the Earth 8: the depth of earth’s mantle
The depth of earth’s mantle reaches 2,890 kilometer. That is why it earns the status as the thickest layer.
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Facts about Layers of the Earth 9: the division of earth’s mantle
There are two divisions of earth mantle. Both are the lower and upper mantles. The transition zone separates both parts.

Facts about Layers of the Earth
Facts about Layers of the Earth 10: the divisions of earth’s core
There are two parts of earth’s core. Both are the outer and inner core. Inge Lehmann discovered the inner core in 1936.
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