If you are always curious about astronomy, look at facts about Leo the constellation. The location of Leo is between Virgo to the east and Cancer or the west. Leo is one of the zodiac constellations. The name Leo is the Latin version of lion. Leo has something to do with the Greek mythology. The story narrated that Heracles; the mythical Greek hero killed the Nemean lion. In the ancient Roman mythology, Heracles is known as Hercules. Get more facts about Leo constellation below.
Facts about Leo the constellation 1: Ptolemy
Ptolemy was the notable astronomer in the second century. He had described 48 constellations. Leo was one of them. In the present day constellation, Leo is considered as one of the 88 known constellations.
Facts about Leo the constellation 2: the recognizable constellation
It is easy to recognize Leo constellation on the sky because it has unique shape and a number of bright stars.
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Facts about Leo the constellation 3: the unique shape of Leo constellation
The shape of Leo constellation reminds you with the shape of a crouching lion. The Sickle is a term used to call an asterism created from the mane and shoulders of lion. It symbolizes the shape of a question mark according to the modern observers.
Facts about Leo the constellation 4: the bright stars
As I have stated before, the Leo constellation has many bright stars. The first and second magnitude contains four stars.
Facts about Leo the constellation 5: Beta Leonis
Beta Leonis is spotted at magnitude 2.23. It is a blue white star that people call Denebola. The latter word means the lion’s tail.
Facts about Leo the constellation 6: the other stars
The other stars that you can find in Leo constellation are Algieba, Regulus, Delta Leonis, Iota Leonis, Epsilon Leonis and Tau Leonis.
Facts about Leo the constellation 7: the bright galaxies
Leo constellation also contains various bright galaxies. The most prominent ones are NGC 3628, Messier 105, Messier 95, Messier 65, and Messier 96.
Facts about Leo the constellation 8: observing the galaxies
You can observe the galaxies found in Leo by using small telescope or large binoculars. You will be able to spot the M66 and M65.
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Facts about Leo the constellation 9: M95 and M96
The galaxies in Leo, which have the spiral shape, are M96 and M95. If you want to notice their spiral look clearly, use the larger instrument.
Facts about Leo the constellation 10: the structures
The Huge-LQG, the Clowes–Campusano LQG, and U1.54 are some notable structures that you can find in Leo.
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