10 Facts about Light and Shadow

Post On: January 18, 2017
By: Agustina

Facts about Light and Shadow will tell the readers about the dark area where an opaque object blocks the light source. The light is located at the front part of the object, while the shadow is located at the 3-D volume behind the object. The 2-D silhouette is found at the shadow’s cross section. The term umbra is used to call a simple shadow produced by a point of light source. Let us check other interesting facts about light and shadow below:

Facts about Light and Shadow 1: the division of shadow

Shadow is divided in several types according to the extended light source. They are antumbra, penumbra and umbra.

Light and Shadow Facts

Light and Shadow Facts

Facts about Light and Shadow 2: the higher level of blurred shadow

The blurred shadow comes in higher level if the light source is wider. The shadows look merged when two penumbras are overlapping. This situation is often called as Shadow Blister Effect.

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Facts about Light and Shadow 3: the darkest part of the umbra

The darkest part of the umbra is located at the umbra with the absence of direct light.  It is impossible for the person in the umbra region to perceive the presence of light source.

Facts about Light and Shadow 4: the penumbra

The person in the penumbra region may see the light. It has intermediate light due to the presence of some light source on the penumbra.

Light and Shadow

Light and Shadow

Facts about Light and Shadow 5: the number of light source

Some shadows will be produced if more than one light source is presented.

Facts about Light and Shadow 6: the astronomical objects

The shadows casted by the astronomical objects are called in three different terms. They are antumbra, penumbra and umbra. The visible shadows of astronomical object, which can be viewed from earth, are produced by the moon, sun, Jupiter and Venus. The latter two ones will produce the shadow under the suitable conditions.

Light and Shadow Pic

Light and Shadow Pic

Facts about Light and Shadow 7: the sunspot

The terms umbra, antumbra and penumbra are also used in the sunspots to define the darkness level.

Facts about Light and Shadow 8: the solar eclipse

A solar eclipse is defined when the moon casted a shadow on earth.

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Facts about Light and Shadow 9: the lunar eclipse

The lunar eclipse is defined as the earth casted a shadow on moon.

Facts about Light and Shadow

Facts about Light and Shadow

Facts about Light and Shadow 10: the dramatic change

The dramatic changes of shadows produced by the sun are spotted all the day long.

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