10 Facts about Listeria

Post On: February 11, 2017
By: Agustina

The following Facts about Listeria will talk about a genus of bacteria, which has 10 known species until 1992. Each species has two subspecies.  Then five other species are added in the genus in 2014. In 1940, the genus was called Lister taken from the name of Joseph Lister. He was a surgeon from Great Britain who pioneered the sterile surgery. Let us get other interesting facts about Listeria below:

Facts about Listeria 1: the characteristics of Listeria

Not all species of bacteria in the genus Listeria will generate endospores. Moreover, they have the rod shape and gram positive.

Facts about Listeria Bacteria

Facts about Listeria Bacteria

Facts about Listeria 2: L. monocytogenes

L. monocytogenes is considered as the primary pathogen, which affects human beings.

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Facts about Listeria 3: listeriosis

Listeriosis is defined as a serious infection, which occurs on the human being due to consumption of food contaminated by Listeria. This disease is rare.

Facts about Listeria 4: the risk factors

The people with weak immunity, elderly, newborns and pregnant women have the higher risk factor to be infected by listeriosis.

Facts about Listeria

Facts about Listeria

Facts about Listeria 5: the fatality rate

Even though listeriosis is rare, you have to be careful. The fatality rate of the disease reaches 20 percent.  This condition may manifest into meningitis and sepsis.

Facts about Listeria 6: the documentation of listeriosis

In 1924, the case of listeriosis was first documented. L. monocytogenes was identified independently by two researchers in the end of 1920s.

Listeria Image

Listeria Image

Facts about Listeria 7: some species in Listeria

Let me show you some species of Listeria. They include L. welshimeri, L. aquatica, L. grandensis, L. rocourtiae, L. monocytogenes, and L. cornellensis.

Facts about Listeria 8: vegetable

The vegetable might be contaminated with Listeria for it can be discovered in the soil.

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Facts about Listeria 9: the animals

Another carrier of Listeria is the animals.  The uncooked vegetable, unpasteurized milk and raw meat may be contaminated by Listeria. If you want to avoid the contamination of Listeria, the food should be well cooked and the milk should be sufficiently pasteurized. However, you need to pay attention with the packaging and after cooking process. Listeria may affect the food if the servant does not follow the sanitation procedures and policies.



Facts about Listeria 10: the habitat of Listeria monocytogenes

Listeria monocytogenes can be found in food, plants, sewage, stream water and soil.

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