10 Facts about Liz Ellis

Post On: February 22, 2017
By: Agustina
In: Sports

Facts about Liz Ellis tell us about a retired netball player from Australia. She was born on January 17th, 1973. Her full name is Elizabeth Ellis. In 1992 until 2007, Ellis was appointed as a member of the national netball team. She was the captain from 2004 until 2007. In Australian netball, Ellis is famous for she is the most capped international player. Check other useful facts about Liz Ellis below:

Facts about Liz Ellis 1: the birthplace of Ellis

The birthplace of Ellis was located in Windsor, New South Wales. She earned a netball scholarship from the Australian Institute of Sport. Before she was enrolled in the institute, she was educated at John Paul II Senior Catholic High School.

Facts about Liz Ellis

Facts about Liz Ellis

Facts about Liz Ellis 2: a law degree

It was very impressive to know that Ellis also concerned about education. Besides having a great career in Australian netball, she was capable for earning a law degree from Macquarie University.

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Facts about Liz Ellis 3: the debut

The debut of Ellis in the Australian netball was in a competition against Wales in July 1993.

Facts about Liz Ellis 4: the international competition

Ellis was noticed in the international netball competition during the 1995 World Championships in Birmingham. The grand finale of Australia against South Africa presented the great performance of Ellis.

Liz Ellis Netball

Liz Ellis Netball

Facts about Liz Ellis 5: the participation in World Championships

Ellis participated in World Championships in 1995, 1999, 2003 and 2007. She also competed in the Commonwealth Games in 2002 and 2006.

Facts about Liz Ellis 6:  the position in the team

In 2000, Ellis was selected as the Vice-Captain. In 2004, she gained the position as the Captain.

Facts about Liz Ellis 7: the record in 2005

In 2005, Ellis had an amazing record. She was called as the player with highest number of tests in the country.

Liz Ellis Facts

Liz Ellis Facts

Facts about Liz Ellis 8: the Most Valuable Netball Player

In 1996, 1998, 2002 and 2006, Ellis got the title as the Most Valuable Netball Player in Australia.

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Facts about Liz Ellis 9: the knee injury

Ellis had knee injury, which might threaten her career as a netball player in October 2005. Fortunately, she recovered from the injury and had amazing records in the next two years after the injury.

Liz Ellis

Liz Ellis

Facts about Liz Ellis 10: retirement

On 19th November 2007, she made an announcement to retire from netball. She becomes a commentator for netball competition after her retirement.

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