10 Facts about Los Sanfermines

Post On: March 12, 2017
By: Agustina
In: Events

The rooted cultural celebration, which took place in the city of Pamplona, Spain, is explained on Facts about Los Sanfermines. Have you ever watched Los Sanfermines before? The annual festival takes place on July 6th, from 12:00. The beginning of the celebration is setting off pyrotechnic chupinazo. It will be followed by singing Pobre de Mí. Los Sanfermines is a notable celebration due to the encierro event.

Facts about Los Sanfermines 1: what is the encierro event?

The encierro is the most prominent event in Los Sanfermines due to the running bulls. It takes place from July 7th until July14th at 8:00 am.

facts about Los Sanfermines

facts about Los Sanfermines

Facts about Los Sanfermines 2: other important events

Los Sanfermines also features other amazing celebrations. The visitors will enjoy the folkloric and traditional events.

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Facts about Los Sanfermines 3: the name of the celebration

The local people call the celebration Los Sanfermines. It is named after Saint Fermin. He was the co-patron of Navarre, Spain. The event is used to honor him.

Facts about Los Sanfermines 4: The Sun Also Rises

Have you read The Sun Also Rises? The writer was Ernest Hemingway who applied Los Sanfermines in the plot of the story, which gives greater attention of the English-speaking readers related to the event.

Los Sanfermines Facts

Los Sanfermines Facts

Facts about Los Sanfermines 5: the participants

Los Sanfermines is a popular event to celebrate not only by the locals but also by the tourists. The festival is participated by 1,000,000 people. It becomes an international event.

Facts about Los Sanfermines 6: what is the pyrotechnic chupinazo?

The pyrotechnic chupinazo will be set off to mark the beginning of the fiesta. On 6th July at 12 noon, the rocket will be launched. The visitors will be gathered at the city hall square, while the rocket is launched from the balcony of a city hall. The city major will decide the person who sets off the rocket.

Los Sanfermines

Los Sanfermines

Facts about Los Sanfermines 7: The Riau-Riau

On July 6th, you can also spot the Riau-Riau. This mass activity is characterized by dancing Astrain Waltz on the street.

Facts about Los Sanfermines 8: the key festival

The key festival takes place in July 7th. The statue of Saint Fermin will be accompanied by thousands of people like city mayor, religious officials, dancers, entertainers, and politicians.

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Facts about Los Sanfermines 9: Pobre de Mí

Pobre de Mí means Poor Me. This song will be sung by the people on July 14th midnight at city hall plaza.

Los Sanfermines Pic

Los Sanfermines Pic

Facts about Los Sanfermines 10: the closing ceremony

The ceremony of the festival is closed by the city mayor. The city hall will have firework display.

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