10 Facts about Lou Gehrig’s disease

Post On: March 17, 2017
By: Agustina

Facts about Lou Gehrig’s disease inform us with the ALS or Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Some people also use the term motor neuron disease of MND to call the disease. It is characterized by the death of neurons, which control the voluntary muscle. Have you ever heard about the symptoms of Lou Gehrig’s disease? The size of muscles is reduced due to the muscle twitching and stiff muscles. The patients will have worsened effect since it leads into the difficulty to speak and breathe.

Facts about Lou Gehrig’s disease 1: the causes

The causes of 90 to 95 percent of Lou Gehrig’s disease cases are not exactly explained. The remaining 5 or 10 percent of the cases are inherited from parents.

Facts about Lou Gehrig's Disease

Facts about Lou Gehrig’s Disease

Facts about Lou Gehrig’s disease 2: how to diagnose the disease

The physicians will diagnose the disease according to the symptoms and signs experienced by the patients.

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Facts about Lou Gehrig’s disease 3: the cure

Until this present day, there is no cure, which has been found for Lou Gehrig disease. The life of the patient might be extended for two until three months by taking a medication, riluzole.

Facts about Lou Gehrig’s disease 4: the length of life

The length of life as well as the quality of life of the patients will be increased with non-invasive ventilation.

Lou Gehrig's Disease Facts

Lou Gehrig’s Disease Facts

Facts about Lou Gehrig’s disease 5: the beginning of the disease

The beginning of the disease usually is at the age for 50 for the inherited cases. In most cases, it begins at the age of 60.

Facts about Lou Gehrig’s disease 6: the average survival

The average survival is only two to four years from the onset of the disease to the death. The patients who live more than 10 years after the onset are 10 percent.

Facts about Lou Gehrig’s disease 7: the cause of death

When a person is diagnosed with ALS or Lou Gehrig disease, most of them die due to the difficulty to breathe.

Facts about Lou Gehrig’s disease 8: the people with ALS

The rate of ALS is two of 100,000 people per year in United States and Europe.

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Facts about Lou Gehrig’s disease 9: Lou Gehrig

Lou Gehrig was a top-notched baseball player affected by ALS. The awareness of the disease was increased when it affected a high profile figure in United States. Gehrig had to leave baseball at the age of 36. He died two years later.

Lou Gehrig

Lou Gehrig

Facts about Lou Gehrig’s disease 10: ice bucket challenge

The public awareness of the condition was increased due to the viral ice bucket challenge in 2014.

What do you think on facts about Lou Gehrig’s disease?