Facts about Low Blood Pressure try to elaborate the information about hypotension. It opposes hypertension or high blood pressure. You have low blood pressure if the diastolic pressure is less than 60 mm Hg or systolic pressure is less than 90 mm Hg. The symptoms will be present if the blood pressure is too low. Both low blood pressure and high blood pressure are not considered as disease. Both are physiological state.
Facts about Low Blood Pressure 1: the bad effect of low blood pressure
The low blood pressure will lead into a negative effect to the body if it is too severe. It will affect the vital organs and brain.
Facts about Low Blood Pressure 2: shock
Shock is a condition, which might threaten the life of the people with severe low blood pressure.
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Facts about Low Blood Pressure 3: good health
The low blood pressure is considered as a good sign for health for those who have a top physical condition. The people who have high level of blood pressure will have to exercise to lower it.
Facts about Low Blood Pressure 4: the negative effect
The negative effects of severe low blood pressure include the fainting, dizziness, serious heart condition and lightheadedness. Seizure and fainting are the two common symptoms for those with sufficiently low blood pressure.
Facts about Low Blood Pressure 5: the common symptoms
The common symptoms of low blood pressure include headache, stiff neck, irregular heartbeat, chest pain, seizures, shortness of breath, painful urination, loss of vision, fatigue, vomiting and many more.
Facts about Low Blood Pressure 6: the causes
The medicine side effects, endocrine problems, anemia, widened blood vessels, heart problems, hormonal changes, and low blood volume are some causes of low blood pressure.
Facts about Low Blood Pressure 7: the condition
The conditions, which lead into the low blood pressure, are the vomiting, low fluid intake, excessive fluid loss and starvation.
Facts about Low Blood Pressure 8: the indicators
Another indicator of low blood pressure is seen on the urine where it becomes dark.
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Facts about Low Blood Pressure 9: the healthiest blood pressure
The healthiest blood pressure is at 120/80 mm HG or less than that for the adults.
Facts about Low Blood Pressure 10: treatment
If you have severe low blood pressure, the physician needs to find out the cause to decide the suitable treatment.
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