10 Facts about Low Self Esteem

Post On: March 19, 2017
By: Agustina
In: Social

The overall subjective emotional evaluation of a person’s worth is reflected on self-esteem. When a person feels unworthy, it means that he or she has the low self-esteem.  You will learn more about self-esteem in psychology and sociology.  It is about how a person views himself or herself. You may feel worthy or even incompetent according to your subjective judgment.  The low self-esteem will lead into the negative emotional states such as shame and despair. Let us find out the details facts about low self-esteem below:

Facts about Low Self Esteem 1: evaluating the self

Whether a person has, low or high self-esteem is seen on how he or she views himself or herself. It is a self-concept related to the evaluation of a person on how they feel about us. It can be negative or positive.

Facts about Low self-esteem

Facts about Low self-esteem

Facts about Low Self Esteem 2: the outcomes

Self-esteem is an important topic in the sociology and psychology for it has something to do with particular outcomes such as happiness, social relationship, criminal behavior, satisfaction in marriage and academic achievement.

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Facts about Low Self Esteem 3: the negative state

The low self-esteem will bring negative impact to oneself. When you think that you are a bad person, you will feel bad about yourself in general. On the other hand, if you think that you are good, you will have a general good look in yourself.

Facts about Low Self Esteem 4: the synonym

Some people use different terms to called self-esteem. You can use the term self-respect, self-regard, self-worth and self-integrity.

Low self-esteem facts

Low self-esteem facts

Facts about Low Self Esteem 5: the factors

Some factors, which cause the low self-esteem on a person, include the socioeconomic status, bullying, peer pressure, physical appearance, genetic factors, mental health issues and many more.

Facts about Low Self Esteem 6: the physical look

When a person feels bad about the physical look, he or she often has the low self-esteem.

Low self-esteem pictures

Low self-esteem pictures

Facts about Low Self Esteem 7: the signs of low self-esteem

The low self-esteem can be seen from the prevalent characteristics. The person usually has high level of perfection. When something is not perfect, he or she will develop frustration toward it.

Facts about Low Self Esteem 8: other signs

Other signs include pessimism, excessive will, hypersensitivity toward criticism, envy toward others, and chronic indecision.

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Facts about Low Self Esteem 9: the shame or defeat

The person with low self-esteem often faces the shame of defeat. They believe that they are not lovable or valuable.

Low self-esteem image

Low self-esteem image

Facts about Low Self Esteem 10: the decision-making

The people with low self-esteem try to avoid any decision-making situation as a protection mechanism.

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