10 Facts about Lyda Newman

Post On: April 2, 2017
By: Agustina
In: People

The following Facts about Lyda Newman will tell the readers about the American inventor. On 15th November 1898, she was awarded with a US patent 614,335 for her invention on a hairbrush.  The product is unique for you can take off the parts to clean it easily. Newman spent her time in New York City. The patent of hairbrush that she earned was described as an effective product. The construction was durable and simple. Let us get other interesting facts about Lyda Newman below:

Facts about Lyda Newman 1: easy-to-clean hairbrush

The unique feature of Newman’s hairbrush is spotted on the easy-to-clean design. You can take off the bristle holder from the back when you want to clean the part.

Facts about Lyda Newman 2: personal life

The information related to the personal life of Newman was very limited.

Lyda Newman Hair Brush

Lyda Newman Hair Brush

Facts about Lyda Newman 3: occupation

Newman was known not only as an inventor but also as women rights’ activist and civil rights activist.

Facts about Lyda Newman 4: birth

Newman was born circa 1885 in Ohio. She became a resident of New York City by the end of 1890s.

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Facts about Lyda Newman 5: the hairbrush design

Newman got the patent for an improved model and design of hairbrush. It featured a recessed compartment where the debris would be guided inside the compartment. It has a touch of a button, which opened the back to remove the debris from the compartment.

Lyda Newman Product

Lyda Newman Product

Facts about Lyda Newman 6: the women rights activist

Newman is also known as a women rights activist. The suffrage work of Newman was mentioned in local newspaper in 1915.

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Facts about Lyda Newman 7: Woman Suffrage Party

Woman Suffrage Party had an African American branch where Newman became one of its organizers. The primary objective of the party was to give the women the right to vote.

Facts about Lyda Newman 8: collaboration

Newman, African American women and white women worked together to make sure that the female residents of New York would be granted with the right to vote.

Facts about Lyda Newman

Facts about Lyda Newman

Facts about Lyda Newman 9: according to censuses

Newman was a hairdresser for a private family and lived in West Side of Manhattan according to censuses conducted in 1920 and 1925.

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Facts about Lyda Newman 10: the suffrage meeting

Newman decided to hold a meeting to raise the awareness about the importance of getting the right to vote for women.

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