10 Facts about Magic Realism

Post On: April 15, 2017
By: Agustina
In: Arts

Facts about Magic Realism will tell the readers about a type of art. This concept is applicable in theatre, film, painting and literature.  Magic realism is defined by combination of magical element and realistic view of the world. People also call this concept of art as fabulism, which covers the idea of allegory, myths, and fables. The Latin American literature is often attributed to magical realism. Let us find out other interesting facts about magic realism below:

Facts about Magic Realism 1: the writers

The famous authors of magic realism include Isabel Allende, Miguel Angel Asturias, Jorge Luis Borges and Gabriel García Márquez. Alice Hoffman and Salman Rushdie are included as the authors of Magical Realism for English literature.

Facts about Magic Realism 2: magical realism text

It is not easy to find out the extent of magical realism in a text. Each text has different quality.

Facts about Magic realism

Facts about Magic realism

Facts about Magic Realism 3: the real world setting

The real world setting is considered as one of the primary elements found in magical realism. The writer will not invent a new world to define his or her story.

Facts about Magic Realism 4: Gabriel García Márquez

Gabriel García Márquez is the famous author of Magical realism. His famous work included One Hundred Years of Solitude.

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Facts about Magic Realism 5: the fantastical element

Another characteristic of magic realism is fantastical element. It can be found in myths, folk tales, and fables.

Magic realism Facts

Magic realism Facts

Facts about Magic Realism 6: the magical event

The magical event is also depicted in magical realism where the characters in the books or literature consider it as a common event.

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Facts about Magic Realism 7: heightened awareness

Heightened awareness of the readers is challenged in magic realism. The mystery and hidden meaning will arouse the tense of the readers.

Facts about Magic Realism 8: Political critique

Some works, which contain magician realism, have the objective to criticize politics and society.

Magic realism

Magic realism

Facts about Magic Realism 9: the origin of Magic Realism

The origin of Magic Realism can be traced back in Latin America. The peak of this genre was in 1940s and 1950s. Most notable writers of Magic Realism in Latin America were from Argentina.

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Facts about Magic Realism 10: major authors and works

The novel One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez was critically and commercial successful. Márquez was also a Nobel Laureate. Another famous novel was The House of the Spirits written by Isabel Allende who earned international prominence.

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