Facts about Manaus present the details about the capital city of Amazonas. This state is located in North Region of Brazil. The former name of the city is Barra do Rio Negro. It is a populous city for it is a home for 2 million people. The location of Manaus is near Solimões and Negro Rivers. The origin of the city was as Fort of São José do Rio Negro established in 1693-94. It emerged as Manaus, which earned the status as a town in 1832. Then it was turned into a city on 24 October 1848. It was renamed into Cidade da Barra do Rio Negro.
Facts about Manaus 1: the original name
Cidade da Barra do Rio Negro then was changed into Manaus again on 4th September 1856. The former name means “The City of the Margins of the Black River”.
Facts about Manaus 2: how to access the city
If you are interested access the city of Manaus, you can take an airplane or a boat. Manaus is a unique city for it sits in the middle of Amazon rainforest.

Facts about Manaus
Facts about Manaus 3: the value of Manaus
Manaus is considered as a valuable city because the local culture and natural environment are well preserved due to its isolated location. It resembles the native Brazilian culture.
Facts about Manaus 4: the Brazilian Amazon
When we talk about Brazil, we always think about the Brazilian Amazon. When you want to check the impressive flora and fauna in the Amazon, you have to reach Manaus first. The people like to visit Amazon because of its unique fishes, insects, birds and plants.
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Facts about Manaus 5: the title
Manaus was called as City of the Forest or Heart of the Amazon in the beginning of the century.

Manaus Facts
Facts about Manaus 6: the primary source of economy
The primary source of economy in Manaus is from Industrial Park of Manaus. The city has an international airport, which serves the foreign passengers from other parts of the world. A free port is also available in the city. Other economic sources are from the manufacturing of soap, chemical products and electronics.
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Facts about Manaus 7: export
The export commodity from Manaus includes rosewood oil, jute, rubber and Brazil nuts.
Facts about Manaus 8: the notable attractions
The notable attractions in Manaus include an ecopark, botanical garden, zoological garden, opera house, native people museums, and a cathedral.

Manaus Pic
Facts about Manaus 9: in the late 1800s
In the late 1800, Manaus appeared as the wealthiest city in South America due to the production of rubber.
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Facts about Manaus 10: prison riot
In January 2017, Manaus had a massive prison riot, which also took place in other cities.
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