10 Facts about Marshes

Post On: June 13, 2017
By: Agustina

I will tell you facts about marshes. The herbaceous plants dominate this wetland. It is rare to find out the woody plants occupying marshes. The term marsh is often used to call the transition between the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Thus, you may spot marshes on the boundaries of streams or lakes. The plants, which dominate marshes, include reeds, rushes and grasses. If you spot woody plants, they usually have low height. Why don’t you look at the following post below for complete information about marshes?

Facts about Marshes 1: the wetland

As I have stated before, marshes are wetlands. However, they are very different from swamps. The former one is defined by the presence of herbaceous plants. The latter one is mostly dominated by trees. Moreover, the acidic peat is also deposited in the wetlands.

Facts about Marshes 2: the importance of marshes

Marshes are important for the life of living organisms such as insects, animals and plants. Most of them are adaptable to live in flooded area.

Facts about Marshes

Facts about Marshes

Facts about Marshes 3: the plant adaptation

The plants are well adapted to live in marshes even though it only has a low level of oxygen. Moreover, the wet mud will never bother the living condition of plants.

Facts about Marshes 4: aerenchyma

Aerenchyma is a term to call channels, which enable the plants to move the air to the rooting zone from the leaves.

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Facts about Marshes 5: rhizomes

Rhizomes are also found on the marsh plants.  They are important for reproduction and underground storage. The prevalent examples of marsh plants include sawgrass, papyrus, sedges and cattails.

Marshes Pictures

Marshes Pictures

Facts about Marshes 6: the aquatic animals

The common aquatic animals, which live well in the marshes, should be adaptable with the low level of oxygen. The examples include salamanders and fish.

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Facts about Marshes 7: habitat

The aquatic mammals, waterfowls, amphibians, fish and invertebrates are the common animals, which live in the marshes.

Facts about Marshes 8: the biological production

The biological production is one of the important features of marshes. The sediment and pollutants on the water will be filtered in the marshes to enhance the quality of water.



Facts about Marshes 9: flooding

The magnitude of flooding is also reduced by marshes because it has the ability to absorb water when heavy rainfall takes place.

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Facts about Marshes 10: the pH

The pH is not acidic. It ranges from neutral to alkaline which distinguish it from swamps.

Are you well informed after reading facts about marshes?