Look at Facts about Marshmallows if you want to know the confection created from sugar. The primary ingredients to create a marshmallow are gelatin, water and sugar. It has the small cylindrical shape with spongy consistency. The cornstarch is found as the coat. Althaea officinalis is the marshmallow used to create the traditional medicinal confection. The modern version is the marshmallow that you can find today in the market. Here are other interesting facts about marshmallows to notice:
Facts about Marshmallows 1: the ingredients
Now, marshmallows are created from four different ingredients. They are a whipping agent, sugar, air and water.
Facts about Marshmallows 2: the characteristics
The characteristics of marshmallows depend on the type of whipping agent and sugar.

Facts about Marshmallows
Facts about Marshmallows 3: the perfect marshmallows
The perfect marshmallows have been developed over the years by many brands. They create their unique formula to achieve it. The final product of marshmallow is mainly affected by the ingredients.
Facts about Marshmallows 4: the air
The air occupies 50 percent of marshmallows to make it look like a foam. That is why marshmallows are included as aerated confection.
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Facts about Marshmallows 5: the importance of protein
The protein is used as the whipping agent in marshmallows, which will stabilize the dispersed gas.

Marshmallows Image
Facts about Marshmallows 6: the types of protein
There are two major types of protein for creating the perfect marshmallows. They are gelatin and egg white. The foam will be created by using egg white. If you are not interested to use the fresh egg white, you can purchase the dried album. It is mostly employed for commercial production of marshmallows. Moreover, the safety and convenience levels are higher on dried albumen. The risk of having Salmonella contamination is higher when you use fresh white eggs.
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Facts about Marshmallows 7: artisan-type marshmallows
The fresh white eggs are more popular among the candy makers who want to create the artisan-style marshmallows.
Facts about Marshmallows 8: gelatin
Gelatin is a popular ingredient to produce marshmallows. The collagen of animal bones, connective tissue and skin will be used to create gelatin.

Marshall University Facts
Facts about Marshmallows 9: gel
The gel-like structure will be produced when you combine gelatin with water.
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Facts about Marshmallows 10: the melting point
The melting point of gelatin is between 95 to 100 degrees F. Therefore, marshmallow will melt when you eat it.
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