10 Facts about Matterhorn

Post On: August 4, 2017
By: Agustina

You will be informed with a mountain located at the Alps on Facts about Matterhorn. The location of the mountain sits between Italy and Switzerland. The height of Matterhorn’s summit is measured at 14,692 feet or 4,478 m. That is why it takes the record as one of the highest peaks in Europe and Alps. In the end of 18th century, Horace-Bénédict de Saussure studied the condition of Matterhorn. Let us get other interesting facts about Matterhorn by reading the following post below:

Facts about Matterhorn 1: John Ruskin

In 19th century, John Ruskin was one of the famous artists and naturalists who followed the footstep of Horace-Benedict de Saussure to study Matterhorn.

Facts about Matterhorn 2: climbing the mountain

Climbing Matterhorn was not easy in the past.  An international competition was made to conquer the summit of Matterhorn.  In 1865, the first ascent to reach the summit of Matterhorn was conducted from Zermatt. Edward Whymper was the leader of the team.

Facts about Matterhorn

Facts about Matterhorn

Facts about Matterhorn 3: the horrible expedition

The expedition to reach the summit of Matterhorn led by Whymper ended up badly after four of the team members falling off the mountain.

Facts about Matterhorn 4: the portrayal

The death of his crew inspired the filmmakers to create movies about the incident.

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Facts about Matterhorn 5: the complete climbing

In 1962, the complete climbing on the west face of Matterhorn was conducted.

Matterhorn Facts

Matterhorn Facts

Facts about Matterhorn 6: the death of the alpinists

The first climb to reach the summer of Matterhorn was conducted for the first time in 1865. The death toll reached more than 500 alpinists who tried to conquer the mountain.

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Facts about Matterhorn 7: reference

In Germany, Matterhorn is often called Berg der Berge. It means the Mountain of Mountains. It also earns the important status as the emblem of the Alps.

Facts about Matterhorn 8: tourism

Tourism is flourished in Matterhorn after the railway was constructed in the area in the late 19th century. The climber and tourists like to come to Matterhorn.  The climbers are in favor to access the route from the Hörnli Hut to reach the summit of the mountain.



Facts about Matterhorn 9: other names

Do you know that Matterhorn also has other names? The local Walliser calls it Horu. The Valdôtains call it Gran Becca.

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Facts about Matterhorn 10: the summits

Matterhorn has two summits. Both are the lower Italian summit and Swiss summit.

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