10 Facts about Matthew Arnold

Post On: August 6, 2017
By: Agustina
In: Arts

I will tell you the interesting Facts about Matthew Arnold in the following post below. He was known as poet and cultural critic from England. He was born on December 24th, 1822 and died on April 15th, 1888. Arnold was employed as an inspector of schools. His father was the famous headmaster of Rugby School, Thomas Arnold. His brothers were also prominent. William Delafield Arnold was known as a colonial administrator and novelist, while Tom Arnold was recognized as a literary professor. Let me who you the details about Matthew Arnold below:

Facts about Matthew Arnold 1: the major theme

The major theme of his writing dealt with contemporary social issues. Thus, he was dubbed as a sage writer.

Facts about Matthew Arnold 2: an inspector of school

Arnold found an employment as one of Her Majesty’s Inspector of Schools after he was not capable to support his life from his work as a private secretary. He got the appointment in April 1851.

Facts about Matthew Arnold

Facts about Matthew Arnold

Facts about Matthew Arnold 3: marriage

His wife was the daughter of Justice of the Queen’s Bench, Sir William Wightman. Her name was Frances Lucy.

Facts about Matthew Arnold 4: children

The couple was blessed with six kids. In 1852, Thomas was born. It was followed by Trevenen William in the following year. In 1855, Richard Penrose was born. Others were Lucy Charlotte, Eleanore Mary Caroline and William Mansfield.

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Facts about Matthew Arnold 5: the job as an inspector

Due to his job as an inspector, he had to reach many schools in England. He had to do constant traveling. He had to listen to the parents’ grievances and students reciting their lessons as an inspector.

Matthew Arnold Grave

Matthew Arnold Grave

Facts about Matthew Arnold 6: literary career

Arnold also had his literary career as a poet. Empedocles on Etna, and Other Poems was the title of his second volume of poems published in 1852. Poems: A New Edition was published in 1853.

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Facts about Matthew Arnold 7: the career in Oxford

In 1857, Arnold had his career in Oxford after he was appointed as Professor of Poetry. It marked the first use of English other than Latin when delivering his lecture in front of the students.

Facts about Matthew Arnold 8: European educational practices

Arnold focused on the study of European educational practices when he had his first trip in Europe in 1859.

Matthew Arnold

Matthew Arnold

Facts about Matthew Arnold 9: the book

In 1861, The Popular Education of France was published in the market. In 1879, it was republished as Democracy.

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Facts about Matthew Arnold 10: the notable works

Some of the notable works of Arnold include The Scholar-Gipsy, Culture and Anarchy, Rugby Chapel and Friendship’s Garland.

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