10 Facts about Mechanical Pencils

Post On: January 6, 2018
By: Andi

Facts about mechanical pencils will inform you about one of the most popular tools for student or educator. There are some differencies name used for calling this tools. A mechanical pencil in American, propelling pencil in United Kingdom, pacer in Australia, pen pencil in Indian English and lead pencil for Bangladesh. Here are the more detail of information about mechanical pencil.

Facts about Mechanical Pencils 1: History

In 1565, Conrad Gesner recognised a leadholder pencil, however the lead holder still manual and need to adjust to be sharpen. The initial of mechanical pencils found from aboard the wreckage of HMS Pandora, that sank in 1791. Then in 1822, the patent for refill mechanical pencil had been accepted by Sampson Mordan and John Isaac Hawkins in Britain. Between 1822 and 1874, much more patents (i.e. 160 patents) registered pertaining to a variety of improvements to mechanical pencils. The first spring-loaded mechanical pencil patented in 1877 while a twist-feed mechanism was enhanced in 1895.

Facts about Mechanical Pencils 2: Mechanical Pencil in Japan

Tokuji Hayakawa had succeed in developing mechanical pencil in Japan, 1915. It was introduced as the “ever-ready sharp pencil”. This product widely known after two large corporations from Tokyo and Osaka made large orders.

facts about mechanical pencils

Facts about Mechanical Pencils 3: The Development of Mechanical Pencil in the USA

In the USA, mechanical pencil developed by Charles R. Keeran. His design was ratched-based, while Hayakawa (i.e. Japanese mechanical pencil developer) was screw-based. Then in 1915, Keeran has his patent for lead pencil.

Facts about Mechanical Pencils 4: Mechanism Types

There are two types of mechanical pencils, those that both hold the lead and can actively propel it forward, and those that only hold the lead in position.

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Facts about Mechanical Pencils 5: Screw-based Pencil

Screw-based pencils led by twisting a screw, that moves to slider down the barrel of the pencil. This is the general type in the initial part of twentieth century.

Facts about Mechanical Pencils 6: A Clutch Pencil

A clutch or leadholder pencil uses thicker leads, which is 2-5.6 mm. This type is activated by pressing the eraser cap on the top, to open the jaw inside the tip and allow the lead to freely drop through from the barrel. The lead falls out freely when the jaws are opened, its forward movement can not be controlled except by external means.

facts about mechanical pencil

Facts about Mechanical Pencils 7: Diameter

Various of diameter of pencils such as, 0.20 mm uses for technical work, 0.40 for technical work only available in Japan, 0.50 mm uses for general technical work, general writing and beginner’s technical work. In Japan, general writing using the pencils that has 0.60 mm. Commonly, student use 0.90 mm and etc.

Facts about Mechanical Pencils 8: Hardness

Generally, mechanical pencils have same hardness and density.

Facts about Mechanical Pencils 9: Lead Variations

The material lead of pencils typically made from graphite and clay or plastic polymers. Mechanical pencils have a smaller  range of marking types rather than standard pencils. Most mechanical pencils can be refilled.

facts about mechanical pencil

Facts about Mechanical Pencils 10: Pigments

Commonly, the colour in mechanical pencils are not popular enough.

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