In this article would be talked amazing facts about Medieval Architecture. Medieval architecture means architecture common in the middle ages. Here are the information of intereting facts about medieval architecture.
Facts about Medieval Architecture 1: Religius Architecture
Common medieval ecclesiastical architecture takes from the Roman basilica as its primary model with subsequent developments. It consists of a nave , transepts, and the altar stands at the east end. Also, cathedrals influenced by Justinian employed the Byzantine style of domes and a Greek cross, with the altar located in the sanctuary on the east side of the church.
Facts about Medieval Architecture 2: Military Architecture
The military architecture was served for defense. Most of windows gained a cross-shape for provided a perfect fit for a crossbowman to safely shoot at invaders from inside. Crenellated walls provided shelters for archers on the roofs to hide behind when not shooting invaders.

facts about medieval architecture
Facts about Medieval Architecture 3: Civic Architecture
The most of examples for surviving medieval civic architecture can be found throughout Europe. For instance, manor houses, town halls, almshouses, and bridges and even residential houses.
Facts about Medieval Architecture 4: Pre-Romanesque Style of Architecture
There are some kinds of European architecture in the early middle ages. It may be divided into Early Christian, Romanesque architecture, Russian Church architecture, Norse architecture, Pre-Romanesque, including Merovingian, Carolingian, Ottonian and Asturian.
Facts about Medieval Architecture 5: Romanesque Style of Architecture
Romanesque was the first pan-European style since Roman Imperial Architecture and amazingly the evidences are found in every part of the continent. The characteristic of romanesque use of round or slightly pointed arches, barrel vaults, and cruciform piers supporting vaults.
Facts about Medieval Architecture 6: Gothic Style of Architecture
The gothic style building can be found in the 11th and 12th century. For instance, the church of Saint-Denis in Saint-Denis, near Paris.

facts about medieval architecture
Facts about Medieval Architecture 7: Byzantine Empire
Byzantine architecture has a much distinguish from the Romans which is primarily by complex layouts and an exceptional affinity for domes. The most popular Byzantine building is Hagia Sophia. It was built during the reign of Justinian.
Facts about Medieval Architecture 8: Dark Ages
The early Dark Ages (ca. 500-750) witnessed the Germanic adoption of Roman architecture. Unfortunately, only a very few building survive from the early dark ages due to it generally significantly modified in later periods.
Facts about Medieval Architecture 9: Famous Medieval Architecture
Following are some of the most iconic exemples of medieval architecture in Europe. The Alhambra Palace Complex, it was constructed in the mid-13th century in the Emirates of Grenada. Cologne Cathedral, it was located in Germany and became the most iconic the exemples of Ghotic architecture. The construction of this building needs long time, which is from 1248 and completed in the 19th century. The Tower of London, the architecture reveals the Norman style of constructing very strong and awe-inspiring towers and fortifications which, at the time of the construction, served to subdue the local population in the Norman invasion.

facts about medieval architecture
Facts about Medieval Architecture 10: Famous Byzantine Architecture
The most iconic building can be found in Istanbul, such as Ravenna and Sophia.
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