The facts about medieval churches tell about the architecture of the medieval cathedrals of england during approximately 1040 and 1540, which are the group of twenty-six buildings that constitute a major aspect of the country’s artistic heritage and are among the most significant material symbols of Christianity. Besides the various in style, they are united as a commom function. The other facts would be presented below.
Facts about Medieval Churches 1: History
The Christianity was existed to England by Romans and it was deployed throughout Britain until the 5th century of the Romans and the invasion by saxons. In 597, Augustine, a Roman missionary, went to Canterbury where a church was established and run initially by secular canons. Veneration of saints and the associated pilgrimages were the important aspect in the practice of medieval christianity.
Facts about Medieval Churches 2: Cathedrals in England
After the christianity spread out in England, the churches started to be built in Bristol, Canterbury, Carlisle, Chester, Chichester, Durham, Ely, Exeter, Hereford, Lincoln, Oxford, Peterborough, Ripon, Lichfield, Wells, Rochester, Southwarkm Worcester and so on.
Facts about Medieval Churches 3: The Plan of English Cathedrals
Most of English cathedrals are cruciform. Several building such as Salisbury, Lincoln, Wells and Canterbury have two transepts while most of Latin Cross shape with a single transept.
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Facts about Medieval Churches 4: The Length of English Catherdrals
Seven of twenty five English catherdrals including Canterbury, Durham, Ely, Lincoln, St. Albans, Winchester and York have the length of more than 150 metres. Then, another nine cathedrals which are Norwich, Peterborough, Salisbury, Worcester, Gloucester, Wells, Exeter, Chichester and Lichfield are around 397 and 481 feet.
Facts about Medieval Churches 5: The Height of English Cathedrals
On the other hand, with their tendency toward extreme lenght, english cathedrals are low compare with many of those found in other countries. The cathedrals in Westminster Abbey is the highest vault at 102 feet (31 M) which is the same as cathedral in York Minster.
Facts about Medieval Churches 6: Towers
Interestingly, English cathedrals have special towers are that uncommon except in normandy. They are the large and often elaborate square central tower over the crossing. The range of the size of tower from 55 metres (180 ft) at Wells to 83 metres (271 ft) at Lincoln.

facts about medieval churches
Facts about Medieval Churches 7: Saxon Architectural Style
Most of Norman church entirely replaced Saxon one, while the crypt retains its early saxon crypt. For instance, at Worcester, a new catherdral was built in the Norman style from 1084, on the other hand the crypt contains re-used stonework and columns from its two saxon predecessor churhces.
Facts about Medieval Churches 8: Norman Architectural Style
The reconstruction of church in norman style represented the single largest ecclesiastical building programme of medieval Europe.
Facts about Medieval Churches 9: Lancet Gothic Architectural Style
In the late of the 12th century to the 13th century, many of cathedrals used Lancet Gothic style.

facts about medieval churches
Facts about Medieval Churches 10: Bristol Cathedral
Constructed in 1140 and established in 1888, Bristol cathedral was one of the famouse church in Britain.
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