10 facts about meiosis give you the less-known facts that you should know about meiosis. Meiosis is a specialised type of cell division that reduces the chromosome number by half, creating four haploid cells, each genetically distinct from the parent cell that gave rise to them. You will know the amazing facts that you do not know about meiosis through reading these descriptions below.
Facts about Meiosis 1: The Two Important Respects of Meiosis
Even though the circle of meiosis is related to the more general cell division process of mitosis, it differs in two important respects, namely recombination and chromosome number.
Facts about Meiosis 2: The Reproduction of Meiosis
Meiosis does not occur in archaea or bacteria, that commonly reproduce asexually through binary fission. Even though a sexual process of meiosis known as horizontal gene transfer involves the transfer of DNA from one bacterium or archaeon to the others and recombination of those DNA molecules of different parental origin.

10 facts about meiosis
Facts about Meiosis 3: The History of Meiosis
Oscar Hertwig, the German biologist, discovered and covered a meiosis in sea urchin eggs in 1876 as an initiator. Then in 1883, it was discovered again , at the level of chromosomes by Edouard Van Beneden, the Belgian zoologist, in Ascaris roundworm eggs. The word of meiosis derived from the Greek word, meaning ‘lessening’. It was introduced to Biology by J.B Farmer and J.E.S Moore in 1905.
Facts about Meiosis 4: The Phases of Meiosis
Meiosis segregates into meiosis I and meiosis II, then they further divided into Karyokinesis I and Cytokinesis I, Karyokinesis II and Cytokinesis II respectively. The phases of meiosis consist of growth 1 (G1) phase, synthesis (S) phase, and growth 2 (G2) phase.
Facts about Meiosis 5: The Phase of Meiosis I and Meiosis II
Meiosis I and II are each divided into prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase stages.
Facts about Meiosis 6: Meiosis I
Meiosis I separates homologous chromosomes, that are joined as tetrads (2n, 4c), producing two haploid cells (n chromosomes, 23 in humans) which each contain chromatid pairs (1n, 2c). Meiosis I is referred to as a reductional division due to the ploidy is reduced from diploid to haploid.

10 facts about meiosis
Facts about Meiosis 7: Prophase I of Meiosis
The longest phase occurs in the prophase I. During this phase, homologous chromosomes pair and exchange DNA (homologous recombination). Then typically results in the chromosomal crossover. Historically, prophase I divided into a series of substages which are named according to the appearance of chromosomes.
Facts about Meiosis 8: The Leptotene Stage of Meiosis
The leptotene stage is the first stage of prophase I, and also widely known as leptonema. It derives from the Greek word, meaning “thin threads”.
Facts about Meiosis 9: Zygotene
The zygtene or zygonema is the Greek words meaning “paired threads”. In some organisms, this also called the bouquet stage because of the way the telomeres cluster at one end of the nucleus. The synapsis (pairing/coming together) of homologous chromosomes takes places, it was facilitated by assembly of central element of the synaptonemal complex.

10 facts about meiosis
Facts about Meiosis 10: Pachytene
Pachytene also known as pachynema derived from the Greek word meaning “thick threads”.
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