10 Facts about Mercy for Animals

Post On: December 23, 2018
By: Andi

The 10 facts about Mercy for Animals will be revealed in this article. Mercy for Animals (MFA) is an international non-profit animal protection organisation, founded in 1999 by Milo Runkle. The mission of MFA is to “prevent cruelty to farmed animals and promote compassionate food choices and policies”. You can find another information by reading the explanation below.

Facts about Mercy for Animals 1: The History of Mercy for Animals between 1999-2007: Founding and Early Days

Milo Runkle founded Mercy for Animals after a biology teacher at his rural Ohio high school brought dead piglets to class to be dissected. Milo writes that the injustice weighed heavily on him to create an organisation with a mission to protect farm animals.

Facts about Mercy for Animals 2: The History of Mercy for Animal between 2008-2010: Undercover Investigations and State Legislation

Current MFA investigators obtain employment at factory farms and slaughterhouses to document conditions. In 2008, animal rights advocates organised a grassroots campaign across California to pass Proposition 2, a state ballot initiative requiring that egg-laying hens, pregnant pigs, and calves raised for veal be given enough room to lie down, stand up, fully extend their limbs, and turn around. In 2010, several organisations, including MFA, launched a campaign to enact legislation in Ohio that would protect farmed animal.

10 facts about mercy for animals

Facts about Mercy for Animals 3: The History of Mercy for Animals between 2011-2013: Exposes in Canada, Corporate Campaigns and Cruelty Convictions

In 2012, MFA expanded to Canada.

Facts about Mercy for Animals 4: The History of Mercy for Animals between 2014-2016: Campaigns; New Initiatives; and Expansion to Brazil, Mexico, India, and Asia

In early 2016, MFA launched The Good Food Institute. The organisation’s mission is to create a healthy, humane, and sustainable food supply.

Facts about Mercy for Animals 5: The History of Mercy for Animals between 2017-Present

After the 2016 investigation, MFA worked with members of Mexico’s congress to introduce federal legislation that would end the worst slaughter methods shown in the undercover video. The bill was waiting on a senate vote.

Facts about Mercy for Animals 6: The Exposes of Current Programmes of Mercy for Animals

MFA whistblowers in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Brazil have documented animals intensively confined by the tens of thousands in sheds and etc.

Facts about Mercy for Animals 7: The Corporate Engagement of Mercy for Animals Current Programme

MFA encourages companies to adopt animal welfare policies and works with large institutions to reduce meat, dairy, and eggs served. MFA has pushed hundreds of companies to implemen reforms.

Facts about Mercy for Animals 8: The Legal Advocacy of Mercy for Animals Programme

The organisation’s work has resulted in new legal protections for animals; raids of factory farms by law enforcement; closure of facilities; criminal prosecutions of factory farm owners, managers, and employees for animal abuse; and defeat of anti-whistleblower legislation.

Facts about Mercy for Animals 9: The Social Impact Programme of Mercy for Animals

MFA raises public awareness about the suffering of farmed animals and promotes compassionate food choices.

10 facts about mercy for animals

Facts about Mercy for Animals 10: The Events of Mercy for Animals

There are some events of Mercy for Animals such as hidden heroes gala and circle V.

Please tell me what do you think after reading the facts about mercy for animals?
