10 Facts about Mexico’s government will inform you about the amazing and less-known facts that you should know. The Federal government of Mexico is the official national government of the United Mexican States. If you want to know more some pieces of fun facts about Mexico’s government.
Facts 1 : General Information of Federal
The country led by President of Mexico. The name of legislative is congress of the union. The legislative does the meeting in senate palace (senate) San Lazaro legislative palace (deputies).
Facts 2 : The Politics of Mexico
The politics of Mexico take place in a framework of a federal presidential representative democratic republic whose government is based on a congressional system, the president of Mexico is both head of government, and of a multiparty system.

Mexico’s Government
Facts 3 : The Executive Power
The executive branch has the executive power, and led by the president, advised by a cabinet of secretaries that are independent of the legislature. Legislative power is vested upon the Congress of the Union, a two-chamber legislature comprising the Senate of the Republic and the Chamber of Deputies.
Facts 4 : The Domination of Mexico
There are four domination of political parties, Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), National Action Party (PAN), Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), and the National Regeneration Movement (MORENA).
According to a survey by the National Autonomous University of Mexico in 2017, about 74% of Mexican believe that Mexico’s electoral system is not transparent and distrust official results.
Facts 5 : Framework of Twentieth-century Politics
Revolutionary generals dominated politics in the 1920s and 1930s. By the assassination of former general and President-elect Alvaro Obregon in 1928, former general and out-going President of Mexico, Plutarco Elias Calles, founded a political party, the Partido Nacional Revolutionario (PNR), to face the immediate political crisis of the assassination and to create a long term framework for political stability.
Facts 6 : Political Parties
As the representation of the nation and citizens, political parties in Mexico must promote the participation of the people in the democratic life of the country. All political parties have to be registered with the National Electoral Institute.

Mexico’s Government
Facts 7 : The Registered Political Parties
In 2010, the following political parties are registered in the INE and all have representatives at the Congress of the Union:
- Institutional Revolutionary Party
- National Action Party
- Party of the Democratic Revolution
- Labor Party
- Green Ecological Party
- Citizen’s Movement
- New Alliance
- National Regeneration Movement
Facts 8 : The Federal Elections in 2006
In the election in 2006, the party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), the Labour Party (PT) and Convergence (CV) joined as a coalition for the good of all.
The Federal Electoral Tribunal declared Felipe Calderon the winner of the election on September 5, 2006.
Facts 9 : The Federal Elections in 2012
Enrique Pena Nieto elected as a Mexican president in 2012.

Mexico’s Government
Facts 10 : The Federal Elections in 2018
Andres Manual Lopez Obrador was a winner and become a president started in 2018.
Those are all of the amazing information of the facts about Mexico’s Government that you should know, what do you think, please leave any comments below.