10 Fun Facts about Lisbon

Post On: February 9, 2017
By: Agustina
In: Cities

If you are interested to know the largest city in Portugal, check Fun Facts about Lisbon. It is also the capital of the country. It is occupied by 552,700 people for the administrative limits. The population reaches 2.7 million people outside the administrative limits. There is no need to wonder that it is called as the 11th largest city in European Union by population. The Lisbon Metropolitan Area is inhabited by 2.8 million people. It accounts for 27 percent of the whole population in Portugal. Get other useful facts about Lisbon below:

Fun Facts about Lisbon 1: a global city

Lisbon earns a status as a global city due to its importance as the center of media, commerce, finance, tourism, education, international trade, art and entertainment.

Facts about Lisbon

Facts about Lisbon

Fun Facts about Lisbon 2: tourism

Tourism is flourished in Lisbon. In 2009, the city was visited by 1,740,000 million tourists from various parts of the world. In Southern Europe, it is considered as the seventh most visited city.

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Fun Facts about Lisbon 3: Humberto Delgado Airport

The busiest airport in Lisbon is Humberto Delgado Airport. It handles more than 20 million people every year.

Fun Facts about Lisbon 4: the main cities

The main cities in Portugal such as Lisbon have been connected with other cities via the rail system of Alfa Pendular.

Lisbon Pic

Lisbon Pic

Fun Facts about Lisbon 5: the history of Lisbon

The history of Lisbon was traced back in the fifth century when it was controlled by different Germanic tribes. In the eighth century, it was ruled by the Moors. The city then was recaptured by Afonso Henriques with his Crusaders in 1147.

Fun Facts about Lisbon 6: the unofficial capital

Lisbon is considered as a unique city. It serves, as the unofficial capital of Portugal for there is no written form or even statute, which grants its status as a capital. The constitutional convention makes this city as the capital of Portugal.

Lisbon Facts

Lisbon Facts

Fun Facts about Lisbon 7: the climate

The warmest winter season in metropolis Europe is experienced in Lisbon. It has the Mediterranean climate.

Fun Facts about Lisbon 8: the summer season

In May to October, people experience the summer season for six months.

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Fun Facts about Lisbon 9: Lisbon in the Neolithic period

The Pre-Celtic tribes were the inhabitants of Lisbon in the Neolithic period where they established dolmens, megalith and monuments.

Lisbon Siege

Lisbon Siege

Fun Facts about Lisbon 10: the Cempsi

The Cempsi was the local tribes who spoke Celtic. The mixing occurred between the Pre-Indo-European and Indo-European Celts after the latter one invaded the area in the first millennium BC.

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