Fun Facts about Martha Washington remind the people with the First Lady of United States. Martha was the wife of the first president of US, George Washington. She was born on 13th June 1731 and died on 22nd May 1802. She was often called Lady Washington. The title the First Lady was coined after her death. Let us find out other impressive facts about Martha Washington below:
Fun Facts about Martha Washington 1: the first husband
If you think that George Washington was her first husband, you are wrong. Daniel Parke Custis was the first husband of Martha. She had four kids with him. When she was 25 years old, Custis died. Only two of her kids with her first husband lived until adulthood.
Fun Facts about Martha Washington 2: wealth
Even though she was a widow, she was rich. Thus, George was capable to purchase many slaves and land. However, her marriage with George did not produce any children.

Facts about Martha Washington
Fun Facts about Martha Washington 3: marriage to George
Martha and George Washington married at the White House plantation on 6 January 1759 when both were 27 years old. Before the death of Custis, probably Washington had known the couple.
Fun Facts about Martha Washington 4: Charles Carter
Charles Carter was a rich planter who had more money than Washington did who also courted Martha. However, she chose Washington over Carter.
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Fun Facts about Martha Washington 5: the grand wedding
The grand wedding was launched for Martha and George. The suit of George was in blue color. Martha wore purple silk shoes.

Martha Washington Facts
Fun Facts about Martha Washington 6: honeymoon
The honeymoon of the couple took place at White House. Then the couple relocated to Mount Vernon Estate of Washington.
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Fun Facts about Martha Washington 7: during the Revolutionary War
During the Revolutionary War, Martha spent time visiting the soldiers in their huts. However, Nancy Loane challenges if Martha had visited the common soldiers.
Fun Facts about Martha Washington 8: opposing her husband
Martha opposed the decision of her husband to become the president of US after the American Revolutionary War ended. On 30 April 1789, the inauguration took place, but Martha did not come. However, she launched many affairs at Philadelphia and New York City as the First Lady.

Martha Washington Young
Fun Facts about Martha Washington 9: honors
Her name has been used to call a row galley. It is called USS Lady Washington.
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Fun Facts about Martha Washington 10: post stamp
Her picture also appeared in a post stamp of United States in 1902, 1923 and 1938.
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