10 Interesting Facts about Merchant of Venice

Post On: January 6, 2019
By: Andi
In: Arts

You will find the 10 interesting facts about merchant of Venice in this article. The Merchant of Venice is a 16th-century play written by William Shakespeare in which a merchant in Venice  (Antonio) must default in a large loan provided by a Jewish moneylender, Shylock. It is known to have been written between 1596 and 1599. The other amazing information about merchant of venice will be described in the explanation below.

Facts about Merchant of Venice 1: The Characters in Merchant of Venice

The are some characters of Mechant of Venice such as Antonio – a prominent merchant of venice in a melancholic mood. Bassanio – Antonio’s close friend. Gratiano – a friend of Antonio and Bassanio. Lorenzo – a friend of Antonio and Bassanio. Portia – the wife of Bassanio. Nerissa – the wife of Gratiano. Balthazar – Portia’s servant. Shylock – a misery Jew. Jessica – daughter of Shylock. Tubal – a jew. Launcelot Gobbo – servant of Shylock, etc.

Facts about Merchant of Venice 2: The Summary of Plot of Merchant of Venice 1

Bassanio tends to coax the beautiful and wealthy heiress Portia of Belmont. As a suitor, he needs 3,000 ducats to subsidise his expenditure. Then, he approaches Antonio, a wealthy merchant of Venice who has previously and repeatedly bailed him out. Fortunately, Antonio agrees, but since he is cash-poor – his ships and merchandise are busy at sea to Tripolis, the Indies, Mexico and England – he promises to cover a bond if Bassanio can find a lender.

the lessknownfacts about merchant of venice

Facts about Merchant of Venice 3: The Sources of Merchant of Venice

In England in the late 16th century, the forfeit of a merchant’s deadly bond after standing surety for a friend’s loan was a common tale. Elements of the trial scene are also found in The Orator by Alexandre Sylvane, published in translation in 1596.

Facts about Merchant of Venice 4: The Date and Text of Merchant of Venice

People convinced that the date of composition for the Merchant of Venice is to be between 1596 and 1598. Francis Meres stated that the merchant of venice must have been familiar on the stage by 1598. The play was entered in the Register of the Stationers Company, the method at that time of obtaining copyright for a new play, by James Roberts on 22 July 1598 under the title The Merchant of Venice, otherwise named The Jew of Venice.

Facts about Merchant of Venice 5: Shylock and the Antisemitism Debate Theme

This theme will be troubling to modern audiences because of its central theme, which can appear antisemitic. Critics today still continue to argue over the play’s stance on the Jews and Judaism.

Facts about Merchant of Venice 6: Shylock as A Villain Theme

At the time of Merchant of Venice released, English society in the Elizabethan era has been described as “Judeophobic”. English  Jews had been expelled under Edward I in 1290 and were not permitted to return until 1656 under the rule of Oliver Cromwell.

the lessknownfacts about merchant of venice

Facts about Merchant of Venice 7: Shylock as A Sympathetic Character

Some of modern readers and theatregoers have read the play as a plea for tolerance, noting that Shylock is a Sympathetic character.

Facts about Merchant of Venice 8: Antonio

The utter devotion to Bassanio has led some critics to theorise that he is suffering from unrequited love for Bassanio and is depressed because Bassanio is coming to an age where he will marry a woman.

Facts about Merchant of Venice 9: The Merchant of  Venice Film

There are some films based on the Merchant of Venice story such as, in 1914, under directed by Lois Weber.

the lessknownfacts about merchant of venice

Facts about Merchant of Venice 10: The Opera Version of Merchant of Venice

Josef Bohuslav Foerster’s three-act Czech opera Jessica was the first performed at the Prague National Theatre in 1905.

Let me know what do you feel after reading the facts about merchant of venice?
