Top 10 Facts about Mental Illness

Post On: September 29, 2018
By: Andi
In: Health

You would find the 10 amazing facts about mental illness in this article. Public also recognise as a mental disorder. Mental illness or mental disorder is a behavioural or mental pattern that causes significant distress or impairment of personal functioning. Such features may be persistent, relapsing, and remitting, or occur as a single episode. Please read some pieces of information below.

Facts about Mental Illness 1: The Types of Mental Illness

There are variety of mental illness namely anxiety disorders, eating disorders, mood disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, personality disorders, phychotic disorders, and substance use disorders.

Facts about Mental Illness 2: The definition of Mental Illness

Based on DSM-IV, a mental illness is a psychological syndrome or pattern which is associated with distress (e.g. via a painful symptom), disability (impairment in one or more important areas of functioning), increased risk of death, or causes a significant loss of autonomy.

top 10 amazing facts about mental illness

Facts about Mental Illness 3: The Classifications of Mental Illness

Mental illness can be classified in two widely established systems, namely ICD-10 Chapter V: Mental and behavioural disorders, since 1949 part of the International classification of Diseases produced by the WHO; and the Dignostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) produced by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) since 1952.

Facts about Mental Illness 4: The Dimensional Models of Mental Illness

Studying comorbidity between disorders have demonstrated two dimensions in the structure of mental disorders that are thought to possibly reflect etiological processess. These two dimensions reflect a distinction between internalising disorders, such as mood or anxiety symptoms, and externalising disorders such as behavioural or substance abuse symptoms.

Facts about Mental Illness 5: Adjustment Disorder

If an inability to sufficiently adjust to life circumstances begins within three months of a particular event or situation, and ends within six months after the stressor stops or is eliminated, it may be classified as an adjustment disorder.

Facts about Mental Illness 6: Eating Disorders

Eating disorders involve disproportionate concern in matters of foof and weight. The categories of disorder in this area include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, exercise bulimia or binge eating disorder.

top 10 amazing facts about mental illness

Facts about Mental Illness 7: The Uncommon Psychiatric Syndromes

There are some uncommon psychiatric syndromes, which are often named after the person who first described them, such as Capgras Syndrome, De Clerambault syndrome, Othello syndrome, Ganser syndrome, Cotard delusion, and Ekbom syndrome, and additional disorders such as the Couvade syndrome and Geschwind syndrome.

Facts about Mental Illness 8: The Course of Mental Illness

The likely course and outcome of mental disorders varies and is dependent on numerous factors related to the disorder itself, the individual as a whole and the social environment. Some disorders are transient, while others may be more chronic in nature.

Facts about Mental Illness 9: The Disabilities in the Mental Illness

The disability in the mental illness is dependent on the kinds of disorders. Some disorders may be very limited in their functional effects, while others may involve substantial disability and support needs.

top 10 amazing facts about mental illness

Facts about Mental Illness 10: The Risk Factors

The predominant view as of 2018 is that biological, psychological, and environment factors all contribute to the development of progression of mental disorders.

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