Top 10 Facts about Metamorphic Rocks

Post On: March 30, 2020
By: Andi

Top 10 facts about metamorphic rocks will be revealed in this article. Metamorphic rock is a transformation of existing rock types, in a process called metamorphism, that means “change in form”.  You will know more the facts about metamorphic rocks by reading the explanation below.

Facts about Metamorphic Rocks 1: Arisen of metamorphic rocks

The original rock is subjected to heat (temperatures greater than 150 to 2000c) and pressure (100 megapascals (1,000 bar) or more, causing profound physical or chemical change. The protolith may be a sedimentary, igneous, or existing metamorphic rock.

Facts about Metamorphic Rocks 2: The part of Metamorphic Rocks

Metamorphic rocks make up a large part of the earth’s crust and it forms 12% of the earth’s land surface. They are classified by texture and by chemical and mineral assemblage.  They probably formed simply by being deep beneath the earth’s surface, subjected to high temperatures and the great pressure of the rock layers above it.

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Facts about Metamorphic Rocks 3: Metamorphic Minerals

Metamorphic minerals are formed by high temperatures and pressures associated with the process of metamorphism. They are known as index minerals, include sillimanite, kyanite, staurolite, andalusite and some garnet.

Facts about Metamorphic Rocks 4: Other Minerals of Metamorphic Rocks

The other minerals of metamorphic such as olivines, pyroxenes, amphiboles, micas, feldspars, and quartz. These minerals formed during the crystallisation of igneous rocks.

Facts about Metamorphic Rocks 5: The Change of the particle size of Rock

During the process of metamorphism, the size of particle of the rocks called recrystallisation. For example, the small calcite crystals in the sedimentary rock limestone and chalk change into larger crystals in the metamorphic rock marble.

Facts about Metamorphic Rocks 6: Foliation

Foliation is the layering within metamorphic rocks. It derives from latin word folia that means leaves. It occurs when a rock is being shortened along one axis named recrystallisation.

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Facts about Metamorphic Rocks 7: Contact Metamorphism

Contact metamorphism is the kind of metamorphism that take place when magma is injected into the surrounding solid rock.

Facts about Metamorphic Rocks 8: Regional Metamorphism

People recognise as dynamic metamorphism. It is the name given to changes in great masses of rock over a wide area.

Facts about Metamorphic Rocks 9: The Types of Metamorphism

There are two kinds of metamorphism namely contact metamorphism and regional or dynamic metamorphism.

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Facts about Metamorphic Rocks 10: Metamorphic Rock Texture

There are five kinds of textures including slaty (includes slate and phyllite, the foliation is called “slaty cleavage”), schistose (includes schist, the foliation is called “schistosity”), gneissose (gneiss, the foliation named “gneissosity), granoblastic (includes granulite, some marbles and quartzite) and hornfelsic (includes hornfels and skarn).

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