10 Facts about Lewis Latimer

Post On: January 3, 2017
By: Agustina

Facts about Lewis Latimer talk about the American inventor and draftsman. He was born on 4th September 1848 and died on 11th December 1928. His full name is Lewis Howard Latimer. The birthplace of Latimer was located in Chelsea, Massachusetts. His father was George Latimer who died on 29th May 1896. His mother was Rebecca Latimer who died on 13th August 1910.  There were four kids in the family and Lewis was the youngest one. Here are other interesting facts about Lewis Latimer to notice:

Facts about Lewis Latimer 1: who was George Latimer?

Have you ever heard about George Latimer before? In October 1842, George who had been a slave for James B. Gray of Virginia escaped from his master’s house to go to Boston Massachusetts along with his wife, Rebecca. His wife was owned by another master.

Lewis Howard Latimer

Lewis Howard Latimer

Facts about Lewis Latimer 2: taking his slave back

Gray, the owner of George tried to take his slave back to Virginia. This case gained huge attention from the abolitionists of slavery like William Lloyd Garrison who tried to raise fund to pay for Latimer’s freedom.

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Facts about Lewis Latimer 3: at United States Navy

On 16th September 1863, Lewis Latimer applied for the United States Navy. He was only 15 years old at that time. On the USS Massasoit, Latimer earned the job as a Landsman.

Facts about Lewis Latimer 4: the next job

Latimer earned the job as an office boy after he was discharged from the US Navy honorably on 3rd July 1865. His salary per week was $3.00.

Facts about Lewis Latimer

Facts about Lewis Latimer

Facts about Lewis Latimer 5: a patent law firm

Latimer had quick learning to use the tools like ruler and a setsquare when working for Crosby Halstead and Gould, a patent law firm. From an office boy, he got the promotion into a head of draftsman due to his skill and talent for using the sketching patent drawings. By 1872, Latimer earned the salary $20.00 per week.

Facts about Lewis Latimer 6: marriage

On 15th November 1873, he and Mary Wilson Lewis married. In Fall River, Massachusetts. The parents of his wife were William and Louisa M. Lewis. Her birthplace was located in Providence, Rhode Island.

Chelsea US

Chelsea US

Facts about Lewis Latimer 7: children

Latimer and his wife were blessed with two daughters. They were Emma Jeanette and Louise Rebecca.

Facts about Lewis Latimer 8: an improved toilet system

Latimer and Charles W. Brown worked together to created an improved version of toilet system used for the railroad cars. It earned the US patent 147,363. The version was called the Water Closet for Railroad Cars.

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Facts about Lewis Latimer 9: Alexander Graham Bell

Most people realize that Alexander Graham Bell is the inventor of telephone. Do you know that Latimer was hired by Bell to create the drawings for his telephone to get a patent?

George Latimer

George Latimer

Facts about Lewis Latimer 10: carbon filaments

Latimer also developed the improved technique for producing the carbon filaments for light bulbs where he dubbed it as the Process of Manufacturing Carbons. In January 1881, he earned the patent.

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