10 Facts about Light Energy

Post On: January 19, 2017
By: Agustina

Facts about Light Energy will discuss about the electromagnetic radiation mainly used to call the visible light.  The light energy is always associated with the sense of sight for the human eye may perceive this type of light. The wavelength of the light, which can be perceived by human being, is around 400 nm to 700 nm. It falls between the shorter wavelength for the ultraviolet and longer wavelength for the infrared. Let us check other interesting facts about light energy below:

Facts about Light Energy 1: the frequency range

The frequency range for the wavelength is measured at 430 THz to 750 THz.

Light Energy Pic

Light Energy Pic

Facts about Light Energy 2: the sun

Do you know that the sun is considered as the primary source of light energy for the earth?  The green plants will be able to conduct the photosynthesis because of the presence of sunlight. The sugars will be created during the process of photosynthesis.

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Facts about Light Energy 3: another source of light energy

If you think that the sunlight is the only source of light, you are wrong. Another source of light for human being traced back over centuries is fire. Fire can be produced by using the modern kerosene lamps or even ancient campfires.

Facts about Light Energy 4: electric lights

In the modern day, the firelight is replaced with the power system and electric light.

Light Energy

Light Energy

Facts about Light Energy 5: the light energy and animals

Do you know that some animals are capable for producing their own light? Bioluminescence is used to name this process.

Facts about Light Energy 6:  the animals with light energy

The vampire squid produces light to hide. On the other hand, the light is used to find out mates by the fireflies.

Light Energy Facts

Light Energy Facts

Facts about Light Energy 7: the properties of the visible lights

Visible light has several properties such as polarization, wavelength spectrum, propagation direction, and intensity.

Facts about Light Energy 8: the speed of light in a vacuum

The speed of light is measured at 299,792,458 mps.

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Facts about Light Energy 9: the definition of light in physics

The electromagnetic radiation of wavelength is used to define the light in physics.

Facts about Light Energy

Facts about Light Energy

Facts about Light Energy 10: the visibility

In physics, the visibility is not the primary point to consider whether it is a light or not. That is why the radio waves, microwaves, X-rays and gamma rays are some examples of lights.

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