The interesting and less-known information will be found in this article “10 Facts about Meteorology. Please continue reading the article and give us comments!
Facts 1 : General Information about Meteorology
Meteorology is a part of atmospheric sciences chemistry and atmospheric physics, that a major focus on weather forecasting. Meteorological phenomena are observable weather events that are explained by the science of meteorology.
Facts 2 : Research of Visual Atmospheric Phenomena
In 1021, Alhazen showed that atmospheric refraction is also responsible for twilight, he estimated that twilight begins when the sun is 19 degrees below the horizon.
St. Albert the Great was the first to propose that the rainbow was produced by light interacting with each raindrop. The first person that calculates the angular size of rainbow is Roger Bacon.
Facts 3 : Instruments and Classification Scales
The first standardization was invented by the King Sejong’s son, Prince Munjong of Korea, in 1441. In 1607, Galileo Galilei constructed a thermoscope. The mercury barometer was invented in 1643 by Evangelista Torricelli. In 1714, Gabriel Fahrenheit created a reliable scale for measuring temperature with a mercury-type thermometer.
Facts 4 : Atmospheric Composition Research
Blaise Pascal rediscovered that atmospheric pressure decreases with height, and known that there is a vacumm above the atmosphere in 1648. Then, in 173, Daniel Bernoulli invented the basic law for the theory of gases.
Facts 5 : Research into Cyclones and Air Flow
In 1494, Christopher Columbus experienced a tropical cyclone, that led to the first written European account of a hurricane. Edmund Halley presented a systemic study of the trade winds and monsoons and identified solar heating as the cause of atmospheric motions in 1686.
Facts 6 : Observation Networks and Weather Forecasting
Amazingly, in the late 16th century a range of meteorological instruments were invented, the thermometer, barometer and hydrometer, as well as wind and rain gauges. Then in the 1650s natural philosophers started using these instruments to systematically record weather observation.
Facts 7 : Numerical Weather Prediction
A Norwegian scientist Vilhelm Bjerknes first argued in his paper Weather Forecasting as a Problem in Mechanics and Physics that it should be possible to forecast weather from calculation based upon natural laws.
Facts 8 : Meteorologists
All scientists who study and work in the field of meteorology named meteorologist. The career for this occupation can work in government agencies, private consulting and research services, industrial enterprises, utilities, radio and television station, and in education.
Facts 9 : Weather Forecasting
Weather forecasting is the application of science and technology to predict the state of the atmosphere at a future time and given location.
Facts 10 : Agricultural Meteorology
Agricultural meteorology is the scientific field for people who interested in a role of vegetation on climate and weather.
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