You can find the amazing 10 facts about Mount Merapi. Mount Merapi is an active stratovolcano located on the border between Central Java and Yogyakarta provinces, Indonesia. Public convince that Mount Merapi is the most active volcano in Indonesia, it has erupted regularly since 1548. Please read the description below to know more the top 10 facts about mount merapi.
Facts about Mount Merapi 1: The Name
The name of merapi could be loosely translated as the mountain of fire. The etymology of the name originated from Meru-Api, from the Javanese combined words, Meru means “montain” and api means fire.
Facts about Mount Merapi 2: The Geological History of Mountain Merapi
The mountain is located at subduction zone, where the Indo-Australian Plate is subducting under the Sunda plate. Mountain Merapi is one of at least 129 active volcanoes in Indonesia. The eruptions of Merapi began about 400,000 years ago. Since then, eruptions have become more explosive, with viscous andesitic lavas often generating lava domes.

facts about mount merapi
Facts about Mount Merapi 3: The Very large Eruption
In 1006, the very large eruption of Mountain Merapi was claimed to have covered all of Central Java with ash. The volcanic devastation is claimed to have led to the collapse of the Hindu Kingdom of Mataram; however the evidence from that era is insufficient for this to be substantiated.
Facts about Mount Merapi 4: The Eruption of Mount Merapi in April 2006
The increased seismicity at more regular intervals and a detected bulge in the volcano’s cone indicated that fresh eruptions were imminent in April 2006.
Facts about Mount Merapi 5: The Eruptions of Mount Merapi in May 2006
The active lava flows had begun by early May. About 17,000 indigenous were ordered to be evacuated from the area and on 13 May 2006, Indonesian authorities raised the alert status to the highest level. A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck roughly 50 km southwest of Merapi, killing at least 5,000 and leaving at least 200,000 people homeless in the Yogyakarta.
Facts about Mount Merapi 6: The Eruption of Mount Merapi in October 2010
In the late October, there are a reported that a pattern of increasing seismicity from Merapi had begun to emerge in early September.

facts about mount merapi
Facts about Mount Merapi 7: Eruption of Mount Merapi in September
On 13 September 2010 white plumes were observed rising 800 metres above the crater. Lava dome inflation detected increased from background levels of 0.1 millimetres to 0.3 millimetres per day to a rate of 11 millimetres per day on 16 September.
Facts about Mount Merapi 8: The Eruption Activity of Mountain Merapi in October 2010
The Indonesian government raised the alert for Mount Merapi to its highest level and wanred villagers in threatened areas to move to safer ground on 25 October 2010. Officials stated that about 500 volcanic earthquakes had been recorded on the mountain over the weekend of 23-24 October.
Facts about Mount Merapi 9: 2018 Eruption of Mountain Merapi
On the morning of 11 May 2018 a phreatic eruption began. This affection to the Adisutjipto International Airport because of the eruption’s ash plume.

facts about mount merapi
Facts about Mount Merapi 10: Sabo Dam
There are about 90 units from the total 258 units of sand barriers were damaged.
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