Let us check the interesting information about the First Lady of United from 1963 until 1969 on Facts about Lady Bird Johnson. Her birth name is Claudia Alta Taylor. She was born on 22nd December 1912 and died on 11th July 2007. Her husband was Lyndon B. Johnson who served as the 36th president of United States. Below is the complete information about Lady Bird Johnson.
Facts about Lady Bird Johnson 1: the background
Talking about her background, Lady Bird Johnson had higher education. She was an amazing investor as well as a capable manager.

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Facts about Lady Bird Johnson 2: Lady Bird’s Bill
Lady Bird’s Bill was an informal name used to call the Highway Beautification Act conducted by Lady Bird.
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Facts about Lady Bird Johnson 3: the awards
Johnson was awarded with Congressional Gold Medal and Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Facts about Lady Bird Johnson 4: the birthplace
The birthplace of Johnson was located in Karnack, Texas. She was born in an antebellum plantation house known as the Brick House. Before she was born, her father had purchased the house.

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Facts about Lady Bird Johnson 5: the name
The first name of Lady Bird was from the name of Claud, the brother of her mother.
Facts about Lady Bird Johnson 6: the nickname
Claudia was nicknamed ladybird since Alice Tittle, her nurse called her as purty as ladybird. Then she was mostly called as Ladybird. Her husband called her Bird, while her siblings and father liked to call her Lady.

lady bird johnson facts
Facts about Lady Bird Johnson 7: the father of Lady Bird
The name of Lady Bird’s father was Thomas Jefferson Taylor. He owned two general stores and a cotton plantation.
Facts about Lady Bird Johnson 8: education
She was enrolled to University of Alabama for the summer session after she graduated from high school. She gave up with the university due to her homesick for Texas. She decided to enter St. Mary’s Episcopal College for Women in Dallas. In May 1930, she graduated from the college.
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Facts about Lady Bird Johnson 9: the higher education
Lady Bird was amazed with the beauty of Texas where she saw bluebonnet field. In 1933, she received a Bachelor of Arts degree in honors. In 1934, she graduated cum laude with her second bachelor’s degree.

facts about lady bird johnson
Facts about Lady Bird Johnson 10: marriage with Lyndon Baines Johnson
On 17 November 1934, Lady Bird and Lyndon Baines Johnson married at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in San Antonio, Texas after she accepted his proposal.
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