Check Facts about Lenny Henry if you want to know the English standup comedy. He was born on August 29th, 1958. His full name is Sir Lenworth George Henry. He is also known as a TV presenter, writer, blues singer and actor. Comic Relief was co-founded by Henry. It is a charity organization. Some TV programs like the comedy Chef! The Magicians are presented by Henry.
Facts about Lenny Henry 1: the birthplace of Henry
The birthplace of Henry was located in Dudley, West Midlands. He was the first child in the family born in Great Britain. His parents were immigrants from Jamaica.

Lenny Henry Facts
Facts about Lenny Henry 2: education of Henry
Before Henry completed his education at W.R. Tuson College in Preston, Lancashire, he was educated at St John’s Primary School and The Blue Coat School in Dudley.
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Facts about Lenny Henry 3: the first manager of Henry
In 1975, Henry was signed by Robert Luff. He was the first manager of Henry.
Facts about Lenny Henry 4: the performance
Henry got a part to participate in touring stage version of The Black and White Minstrel Show. The touring stage performance was produced by Luff.

Facts about Lenny Henry
Facts about Lenny Henry 5: regret
Henry stated that he regretted performing his part in The Black and White Minstrel Show. He had to perform because of the contract.
Facts about Lenny Henry 6: an impersonation
He depicted the impersonation of Stevie Wonder on the New Faces talent show. In 1975, he won the show. It was considered as the early appearance of Henry on TV.

Lenny Henry 1980s
Facts about Lenny Henry 7: The Fosters
Henry took part in The Fosters along with Norman Beaton. This LWT’s sitcom was dominated by the black performs.
Facts about Lenny Henry 8: the impersonation
He began impersonating white characters when working in men’s clubs. On New Faces, he impersonated Frank Spencer, a character in Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em. Henry was also seen in various TV programs as the guest star. He took part in The Ronnie Corbett Show, Seaside Special and Celebrity Squares.
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Facts about Lenny Henry 9: the proper response
Henry thought that his performance received the right response was when he had performance in Summer Season in 1980.
Facts about Lenny Henry 10: Tiswas
Tiswas was a program for kids where Henry was the co-host in 1978 until 1981.
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