You will get more information about the largest mackerel shark on Facts about Mako Sharks. It is often called as bonito shark, blue pointer shark or shortfin Mako shark. The biological name is Isurus oxyrinchus. This shark has big body. The adult one has the weight of 132 to 298 lb or 60 to 135 kilogram. The length is measured at 10 feet or 3.2 metres. Here are other interesting facts about Mako Sharks:
Facts about Mako Sharks 1: the sexual dimorphism
The sexual dimorphism is exhibited in male and female Mako sharks. The males are usually smaller than the females.
Facts about Mako Sharks 2: the largest Mako shark
The largest Mako shark had the weight of 1,300 lb or 600 kilogram. On 3 June 2013, this fish was caught on the Californian coast.

Mako Sharks Pic
Facts about Mako Sharks 3: the larger specimen
Actually, the larger specimen of Mako shark has been discovered. The weight reaches 1,260 lb or 570 kilogram, whereas the length reaches 12 feet or 3.8 metres.
Facts about Mako Sharks 4: the physical appearance
The physical appearance is characterized with the presence of an elongated tail and cylindrical body shape.
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Facts about Mako Sharks 5: the coloration
The ventral part features white coloration. The glazing metallic blue coloration is spotted on the dorsal part.

Mako Sharks
Facts about Mako Sharks 6: the darker coloration
The darker coloration is spotted on the larger specimen. The smaller Mako sharks have whiter look.
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Facts about Mako Sharks 7: the distribution
Mako sharks can be found living in tropical and temperate seas in many parts of the world. They like to inhabit the sea surface up to the depth of 490 feet or 150 metres. Mako sharks live in Brown Banks, Nova Scotia, Gulf of Mexico and Argentina in western Atlantic.
Facts about Mako Sharks 8: swordfish
One of the indicators of the concentration of Mako sharks can be seen from the presence of swordfish. Mako sharks consume swordfish as their primary diet.

Facts about Mako Sharks
Facts about Mako Sharks 9: traveling
Mako sharks will reach long distance journey to search for mates and prey.
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Facts about Mako Sharks 10: the prey
Mako sharks will like to hunt swordfish, bonitos, tunas, mackerels, seabirds, sea turtles, porpoises and other sharks.
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