10 Facts about Manta Rays

Post On: May 14, 2017
By: Agustina

You will be informed with large rays on Facts about Manta Rays. The width of M. Birostris is around 23 feet or 7 meters. Therefore, it is called as the largest species of manta rays. The smaller manta ray is represented by M. Afredi, which has the width of 18 feet and 1 inch or 5.5 metres. Both of them have the forward-facing mouths. The cephalic fins resemble the shape of horn. Moreover, the pectoral fins have triangular shape. Let me show you other interesting facts about manta rays below:

Facts about Manta Rays 1: classification

Manta rays are included in the family Myliobatidae. Other members include rays and sharks.

Facts about Manta Rays 2: habitat

Manta rays can be found in the tropical, subtropical and temperate waters.  The coastal one includes M. Alfredi, which tends to reside in the area. On the other hand, M. birostris like to live in the open waters.

Facts about Manta Ray

Facts about Manta Ray

Facts about Manta Rays 3: the primary diet

The primary diet for manta rays is zooplankton. They will eat them in a large quantity for manta rays are filter feeders. The mouth is open when they swim on the open water to filter zooplanktons.

Facts about Manta Rays 4: gestation period

The gestation period of manta rays is around one year. After that, they will generate live pups.

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Facts about Manta Rays 5: the status

Manta rays have the status as vulnerable animals according to IUCN. The population of manta rays is threatened because of direct harvesting, entanglement in fishing nets and pollution. The Chinese medicine often employs the gill rakers taken from manta rays.

Manta Rays Pic

Manta Rays Pic

Facts about Manta Rays 6: protection

Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals protects manta rays in the international waters.

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Facts about Manta Rays 7: the study about manta rays

The lack of study about manta rays is caused by its big size.  Only a few aquariums are capable to hold this big fish.

Facts about Manta Rays 8: the swimming behavior

Manta rays swim in a straight line and constant speed when they are deep underwater. When they are in a group, they like to have a leap.

Manta Rays

Manta Rays

Facts about Manta Rays 9: breaching

The exact explanation why manta rays breach is not known until today. Some experts believe that it is used for removing parasites, birthing, mating or communicating.

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Facts about Manta Rays 10: where to find manta rays

From spring to fall, manta rays can be found on the coastal areas. During the winter season, they will like to stay offshore.

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