10 Facts about Marie Maynard Daly

Post On: May 30, 2017
By: Agustina

Find out Facts about Marie Maynard Daly to know a renowned American biochemist. She was born on 16th April 1921 and died on 28th October 2003.  In 1947, Columbia University awarded her with a Ph.D. in chemistry, which made her as the first black woman to earn such as a degree in US. Her father was from British West Indies who decided to migrate to United States. He was employed as a postal clerk. His name was Ivan C. Daly. Let us get other interesting facts about Daly below:

Facts about Marie Maynard Daly 1: the birthplace

The birthplace of Daly was located in Corona, Queens. She also grew up here.

Facts about Marie Maynard Daly 2: maternal grandparents

Her maternal grandparents lived in Washington. The young Daly often visited here.  Her grandfather had an extensive library where Daly often read about the achievements of the famous scientists.

Facts about Marie Maynard Daly

Facts about Marie Maynard Daly

Facts about Marie Maynard Daly 3: aspiration as a scientist

Daly was aspired to become as a scientist after reading Paul de Kruif’s The Microbe Hunters. It influenced her decision to become a scientist in the latter life.

Facts about Marie Maynard Daly 4: the role of her father

Daly’s father also played an important in her decision to become a scientist. Her father wanted to become a chemist by attending Cornell University. Due to the lack of fund, he had to let go his dream.

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Facts about Marie Maynard Daly 5: the major

Daly chose chemistry as her major when she attended the university. She attended Queens College in Flushing, New York. In 1942, she earned a bachelor degree in chemistry with magna cum laude from Queens.

Marie Maynard Daly Facts

Marie Maynard Daly Facts

Facts about Marie Maynard Daly 6: New York University

Daly studied at New York University after Queens College awarded her with a graduate fellowship. In 1943, she completed her master degree in chemistry.

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Facts about Marie Maynard Daly 7: Columbia University

Daly attended Columbia University for a doctoral program. Dr. Mary L. Caldwell supervised her during the program. Her thesis was created under the title “A Study of the Products Formed by the Action of Pancreatic Amylase on Corn Starch”. In 1947, she got the Ph.D.

Facts about Marie Maynard Daly 8: a physical science instructor

In 1947 until 1948, Daly was employed at Howard University as a physical science instructor.

Marie Maynard Daly

Marie Maynard Daly

Facts about Marie Maynard Daly 9: researches

Daly also involved in various researches. She studied cell nucleus along with Dr. A. E. Mirsky.

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Facts about Marie Maynard Daly 10: Daly in 1955

In 1955, Columbia University employed her in College of Physicians and Surgeons.

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