10 Facts about Lasers

Post On: November 30, 2016
By: Agustina

Let me explain about a device, which can emit lights on Facts about Lasers. This light is generated using the optical amplification. Theodore H. Maiman worked at Hughes Research Laboratories to create the first laser in 1960. Laser earns a special status due to the distinctive source of light.  It allows the user to point the laser at a very tight spot. That is why laser is also applied on the lithography and laser cutting. Check other interesting facts about lasers by reading the following post below:

Facts about Lasers 1: the applications of lasers

Laser is applied for various purposes such as laser surgery, optical disk drives, barcode scanners, laser lighting display, skin treatment, fiber optic, cutting and welding material, free space optical communication, DNA sequencing instrument, laser printers and many more.

facts about laser

facts about laser

Facts about Lasers 2: the components of a common laser

Can you mention the primary components of a laser? They include laser beam, gain medium, high reflector, laser pumping energy and output coupler.

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Facts about Lasers 3: the additional components

In some cases, laser features additional components to make this device more practical. They include beam shape, wavelength and polarization.

Facts about Lasers 4: the theoretical foundations

The theoretical foundations of laser were developed by Albert Einstein in 1917. The confirmation related to the stimulated emission and negative emission was made by Rudolf W. Landenburg in 1928.

laser colors

laser colors

Facts about Lasers 5: the short waves

The prediction related to the amplification of short waves by using the stimulated emission was made by Valentin A. Fabrikant in 1939.

Facts about Lasers 6: the optical pumping

The method of optical pumping was proposed by Alfred Kastler in 1950. He was a Nobel Prize winner in 1966.

laser image

laser image

Facts about Lasers 7: the improvement of laser

Laser has been improved for years. There is no need to wonder that the people develop it with different goals. Some people want to have a laser with minimum cost, new wavelength bands and maximum peak pulse power.  Others want to have a laser with maximum power efficiency and maximum average output power.

Facts about Lasers 8: the modern communication

Laser plays a significant role for the development of modern communication. Internet is allowed to develop because of fiber optic laser.

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Facts about Lasers 9: the barcode scanner

The barcode scanner employs laser. It is considered as the first example of the use of laser in the everyday life.

laser pic

laser pic

Facts about Lasers 10: the laserdisc player

In 1978, people enjoyed the introduction of laserdisc player.

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