10 Facts about Lazarillo de Tormes

Post On: December 12, 2016
By: Agustina
In: Books

Facts about Lazarillo de Tormes present the ideas of Spanish novella. The complete title is The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes and of His Fortunes and Adversities. Due to its heretical content, the publication of this novella was anonymous. In 1554, it was published in three different cities of Antwerp, Alcalá de Henares, and Burgos. Several episodes were included in the original version of the novella in the publication of the work in Alcalá de Henares edition.  The added episodes were likely to be written by the second author.

Facts about Lazarillo de Tormes 1: the main character

The main character in the story is Lázaro just like the title suggests. This young humble boy is from Salamanca.

Facts about Lazarillo de Tormes

Facts about Lazarillo de Tormes 2: the life of Lázaro

The life of this young boy changes after he becomes an apprentice of a devious blind beggar. His mother asks the beggar to do it. The stepfather of Lazarillo is accused of stealing.

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Facts about Lazarillo de Tormes 3: experiences

Lazarillo became an experienced man after he learned from the practice that his father once gave to him as well as when he served the blind beggar.

Facts about Lazarillo de Tormes 4: the chapters

The novella consists of seven chapters. It also has a prologue. The first chapter is entitled childhood and apprenticeship to a blind man. In Chapter 7, you will know how Lazarillo serves a pardoner and an archpriest. In chapter 2 until 6, he serves a priest, squire, friar, pardoner and chaplain.

Lazarillo de Tormes Image

Lazarillo de Tormes Image

Facts about Lazarillo de Tormes 5: the importance of novella

Lazarillo marks the development of picaresque novel during the Golden Age in Spanish literature. The word picaresque is derived from a Spanish word, picaro. The meaning is rascal or rogue.

Facts about Lazarillo de Tormes 6: what is the picaresque novel?

The readers are amused when they find out the story of picaro novel even though it presents injustice.

Lazarillo de Tormes

Lazarillo de Tormes

Facts about Lazarillo de Tormes 7: the other examples of picaro novels

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Tom Jones, and Rinconete y Cortadillo and El coloquio de los perros are considered as some instances of picaro genres.

Facts about Lazarillo de Tormes 8: the anti-hero

The depiction of the anti-hero found in the movies, dramas and novels in 20th century was highly influenced by the picaro genre.

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Facts about Lazarillo de Tormes 9: the banned novella

The Spanish Crown banned the publication of Lazarillo de Tormes. It was indexed at Forbidden Books.

Facts about Lazarillo de Tormes 10: the circulation of Lazarillo de Tormes

Lazarillo de Tormes version with the absence of Chapters 4 and Chapter 5 was allowed to circulate in 1573.

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