10 Facts about Lord Byron

Post On: March 8, 2017
By: Agustina
In: Arts

Facts about Lord Byron talk about the famous British poet during the Romantic era. His real name is George Gordon Byron. However, he was known more as Lord Byron. He was born on January 22nd, 1788 and died on April 19th, 1824. “She Walks in Beauty” is the short lyric poem of Lord Byron. Don Juan and Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage are other important lengthy narrative poems. Let us find out other facts about Lord Byron:

Facts about Lord Byron 1: the greatest poet

Lord Byron has created many greatest works. Therefore, he is considered as one of the greatest poets in Britain.

Lord Byron Facts

Lord Byron Facts

Facts about Lord Byron 2: traveling

During his life, Lord Byron liked to travel in Europe.  He mostly traveled to Italy. He was often referred as a national hero by the Greeks due to his participation in Greek War of Independence to fight the Ottoman Empire.

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Facts about Lord Byron 3: the death

Lord Byron only had a brief life. At the age of 36, he passed away because of fever in 1824.

Facts about Lord Byron 4: a Romantic figure

Lord Byron is always considered as an influential figure during the Romantic Era. He was known as a flamboyant poet. His personal life was explored a lot. He had many love affairs not only with women, but also with men. Bryon also had to deal with huge debt. There was a rumor that he and his half-sister had scandalous liaison.

Lord Byron's Mother

Lord Byron’s Mother

Facts about Lord Byron 5: Countess of Lovelace

Do you know Countess of Lovelace, Ada? She was the daughter of Lord Byron. Ada was an important figure in computer science due to her work on Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine.

Facts about Lord Byron 6: other alleged children

Other alleged children of Lord Byron included Elizabeth Medora Leigh and Allegra Byron. The latter one passed away as a child.

Lord Byron

Lord Byron

Facts about Lord Byron 7: the journey

Lord Byron decided to have a journey from Belgium to Rhine River after he left England. When he died, his body was sent back to England for burial.

Facts about Lord Byron 8: friends

Some famous friends of Lord Byron were Percy Bysshe Shelley and Mary Godwin.

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Facts about Lord Byron 9: love of animals

Lord Byron was fond of animals. Boatswain was a Newfoundland dog for Lord Byron.

Facts about Lord Byron

Facts about Lord Byron

Facts about Lord Byron 10: as a politician

On 13th March 1809, Lord Byron had his first seat at the House of Lords.

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