10 Facts about Mangrove Trees

Post On: May 11, 2017
By: Agustina
In: Plants

You will be informed with a small tree or shrub on Facts about Mangrove Trees. They can be found in the brackish water or even coastal saline areas. They are spreading not only in the tropics, but also in the subtropics. In 2000, the area occupied by mangrove trees was around 53,200 square miles or 137,800 sq km. It occurred in many parts of the world. Let me show you other interesting facts about mangrove trees below:

Facts about Mangrove Trees 1: coastal areas

Most mangrove trees can be found in the coastal areas because they can tolerate salt.  That is why the trees are called halophytes. They adapt well living in the coastal regions despite the harsh condition.

Facts about Mangrove Trees 2: the adaptation

The root system of mangrove trees is complex, which resists the coastal waves and salt-water immersion. Moreover, they have the salt filtration system, which enable them to immerse in the saline water.

Facts about Mangrove Trees

Facts about Mangrove Trees

Facts about Mangrove Trees 3: the Rhizophoraceae

The Rhizophoraceae is considered as the family of mangrove plants. In some cases, the mangrove trees located in genus Rhizophora are referred by the term.

Facts about Mangrove Trees 4: the habitat

Mangrove trees can be found living in the subtropical and tropical regions in the world. They form mangrove swamps. They can also be found in the marine shorelines and estuaries.

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Facts about Mangrove Trees 5: tolerance

Mangrove trees have impressive tolerance in term of temperature, salinity and moisture.

Mangrove Trees Facts

Mangrove Trees Facts

Facts about Mangrove Trees 6: the species

Mangroves have around 110 species, which can be found in saline swamps. Mangrove forests usually feature more than three or four species of plants.

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Facts about Mangrove Trees 7: the underlying sediments

The underlying sediments will be interrupted when mangrove trees are removed from the place.  The biota and seawater will have problems related to metal contamination.

Facts about Mangrove Trees 8: the importance of mangrove trees

Mangrove trees are important for the ecosystem. The coastal areas are protected from the tsunamis, storm surge and erosion.

Mangrove Trees

Mangrove Trees

Facts about Mangrove Trees 9: organisms

The organisms, which can be found dwelling at the bottom of the muddy roots of mangrove trees, include barnacles, algae, bryozoans, sponges and oysters.

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Facts about Mangrove Trees 10: the commercial species

The commercial species such as crustaceans and fishes dwell in the mangrove plantations located in India, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

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