10 Facts about Martha’s Vineyard

Post On: June 13, 2017
By: Agustina

You will get the interesting information about an island south of Cape Cod on Facts about Martha’s Vineyard. People often call it simply the Vineyard. Chappaquiddick Island is a smaller island linked with Chappaquiddick Island. In United States, it is known as the 58th largest state. It covers the land area of 260 kilometer square or 100 sq mi. One of the earliest deaf communities in US was housed in the Vineyard. There is no need to wonder that Vineyard has their own special MVSL or Martha’s Vineyard Sign Language. Here are other interesting facts about Martha’s Vineyard:

Facts about Martha’s Vineyard 1: the population

Martha’s Vineyard was a home for 16,535 people according to a report in 2010. During the summer season, it houses more than 100,000 people.

Facts about Martha’s Vineyard 2: the seasonal house

People like to enjoy their summer season in Martha’s Vineyard.  That is why almost 56 percent of 14,621 houses are seasonal ones.

Facts about Martha's Vineyard

Facts about Martha’s Vineyard

Facts about Martha’s Vineyard 3: how to access Vineyard

If you are interested to access the Vineyard, two modes of transportation are available. Both are by air and boat.

Facts about Martha’s Vineyard 4: the increased population

The population in Vineyard has been increased over the years. According to 2000 census, Vineyard was inhabited by 14,901 people. In 2004, it became a home for 15,582 people.

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Facts about Martha’s Vineyard 5: the cost of living

Compared to the cost of living in United States, it is 60 higher at Vineyard. The price for housing is 96 percent higher.

Martha's Vineyard Facts

Martha’s Vineyard Facts

Facts about Martha’s Vineyard 6: climate

The climate at Vineyard is a combination between the humid subtropical climate, humid continental climate and oceanic climate.

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Facts about Martha’s Vineyard 7: towns

Vineyard has six towns. The voters will elect the board of selectmen who will govern each town in Vineyard. The town meetings will be held periodically and annually.

Facts about Martha’s Vineyard 8: regulation

The regulation related to the environmental, building and aesthetic concerns will be regulated by the Martha’s Vineyard Commission.

Martha's Vineyard

Martha’s Vineyard

Facts about Martha’s Vineyard 9: the regionalized programs

The waste management, emergency management and public school system are regionalized by the government programs.

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Facts about Martha’s Vineyard 10: the regulation from Duke County

Particular regulations from Duke County are applied on each town of Martha’s Vineyard. The main port of entry for cargo and people is located at Tisbury. Chappaquiddick Island and Katama are included in Edgartown. Based on the area and population, it takes the record as the largest town in the island. People recognize it due to its whaling tradition.

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