10 Facts about Meals on Wheels

Post On: December 30, 2017
By: Andi
In: Social

It is time to deliver Facts about Meals on Wheels to inspire you to get meals in simple way. Meals on Wheels defined as a program that delivers meals program to person in house who are unable to purchase or prepare their own meals. Most of recipient are elderly and a housebound, also many of volunters are aged but able-bodied and able to drive automobiles. Interestingly, based on articles on the internet, this home-delivered meal programs significantly develop diet quality, improve nutrient intakes, reduce food insecurity and evolve quality of life among the recipients. Here are other inspiring facts about this amazing dietary program.

Facts about Meals on Wheels 1: History

During the bomb and blitz in the United Kingdom, Meals and Wheels appeared as a solution to face hunger mostly for elderly. The concept of delivering meals to those unable to prepare their own  evolved into the modern programmes which delivering  mostly to the elderly housbound. It was sometimes free or took a small charge.

Facts about Meals on Wheels 2: The Programme History in United Kingdom

When World War II happend, WVS in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, england established the meals on wheels programme exactly in 1943. A great number of volunteers joined with adequate knowledge about cooking.

facts about meals on wheels programme

Facts about Meals on Wheels 3: The History in Australia

In 1953, the Meals on Wheels established in South Australia by Doris Taylor MBE and it has been run in the followong year, 1954. The first meals were delivered to eight elderly Port Adelaide residents on 9 August 1954.

Facts about Meals on Wheels 4: The History in United States

Meals on Wheels spreaded widely and fastly over the world. Amazingly, this programme became popular, other words the oldest and largest national organisation is Meals and Wheels  in the United States. A great deal supporters (i.g more than 5,000) comunity-based senior nutrition organisations across the country.

Facts about Meals on Wheels 5: The History in Ireland

In 1971 the first meals was delivered in Longford, a small county town in the Midlands, Ireland. This programme led by Sister Calasanctius of the loc al Convent of Mercy and the local hospital’s medical officer Dr Gerard McDonagh.

Facts about Meals on Wheels 6: Modern Programme

Recently,  Meals on Wheels operated in vary sizes, service provided, organisation and funding. There are Meals on Wheels in Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, and United States.

Facts about Meals and Wheels Dietary Programme

Facts about Meals on Wheels 7: The Modern Programme in Other Areas

A research published by Trinity College Dublin in 2008 stated that most of Ireland served by Meals on Wheels services since 1980s.

Facts about Meals and Wheels 8: MOWAAF Study on Hunger

The Meals on Wheels America Foundation (MOWAAF) believe that hunger is a seriuos problems threat aged people in United Stated. The study found that in the US, over 5 million seniors found food insecurities.

Facts about Meals on Wheels 9: Modern Programme in United States

In March 20117, The President of USA, Donald Trump proposed budget would be cut for Meals on Wheels programme.

Facts about Meals and Wheels Programme

Facts about Meals on Wheels 10: Impact

The programme made big impacts not only in food insecurity but also in diet quality and increase nutrient intakes

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