10 Facts about Metamorphosis

Post On: March 30, 2020
By: Andi

The interesting facts about metamorphosis will be unfolded in this article. The word of metamorphosis derives grom Greek that means transformation. Metamorphosis is a biological process by which an animal physically develops after birth or hatching, involving a conspicuous and relatively abrupt change in the animal’s body structure through cell growth and differentiation. I will deliver more information about metamorphosis in down below.

Facts about Metamorphosis 1: Hormonal Control

In insects, growth and metamorphosis are controlled by hormones synthesized by endocrine glands near the front of the body (anterior).

Facts about Metamorphosis 2: Insects

In insects, there are three categories of metamorphosis including ametaboly, hemimetaboly, holometaboly. While ametabolous insects show very little difference between larval and adult forms, both hemimetabolous insects have significant morphological and behavioural differences between larval and adult forms.

The Interesting Facts about Metamorphosis

Facts about Metamorphosis 3: Development

The immature stage in hemimetabolous insects named nymphs.  The next process is instars. It is a development proceeds in repeated stages of growth and ecdysis. The juvenile form is getting mature, yet are smaller and lack adult features. In later instars, external wing buds form.

Facts about Metamorphosis 4: Evolution

After the insect forms showed direct development (ame, the evolution of metamorphosis in insects is thought to have fuelled their dramatic radiation. The “true insects” or early ametabolous still exist in today, for example  silverfish and bristletails. Hem

Facts about Metamorphosis 5: Reseasrch about Metamorphosis

Based on the research in 2018, The adult of Menduca sexta is able to retain behaviour learned as a caterpillar. Another caterpillars is able to carry toxins that protect against predators. In the down below is the process of metamorphosis of the butterfly:

  1. The larva of butterfly
  2. The pupa is now spewing the thread to from chrysalis
  3. The chrysalis is formed perfectly
  4. Adult butterfly coming out of the chrysalis.

Facts about Metamorphosis 6: Fish

Some fish, bony fish and jawless fish, occur metamorphosis. it is under strong control by thyroid hormone.

The Interesting Facts about Metamorphosis

Facts about Metamorphosis 7: Amphibians

In term of amphibian, eggs are laid on water and larvae are adapted to an aquatic lifestyle. Frogs, toads, and newts all hatch from the eggs as larvae with external gills. it will take some time for amphibians to recognise outside with pulmonary respiration.

In amphibians, metamorphosis is regulated by thyroxin concentration in the blood that stimulates metamorphosis.

Facts about Metamorphosis 8:  Frogs and Toads

The external gills fo the frogs and toads ore covered by a gill sac after a few days,then lungs are quickly formed. Front legs are grown under the gill sac and hindlegs are visible a few days later.

Facts about Metamorphosis 9: The Metamorphosis on Salamanders

The evolvement of salamanders is highly diverse. Some species go through a dramatic reorganisation when transitioning from aquatic larvae to terrestrial adults.

The Interesting Facts about Metamorphosis

Facts about Metamorphosis 10: The Metamorphosis on Caecilians

The metamorphosis of caecilians is started to aquatic larva tansition into fossorial adults. most of the caecilians do not undergo an anuran-like metamorphosis

Is the facts about metamorphosis really interesting, is not it?