The 10 facts about the medulla oblongata will tell in this article. The medulla oblongata positioned in the brainstem, anterior and partially inferior to the cerebellum. It is a cone-shaped neuronal mass responsible for autonomic functions ranging from vomiting to sneezing. The medulla oblongata contains the cardiac, respiratory, vomiting and vasomotor centres. The other amazing facts about the medulla oblongata will be presented in the pieces of the description below.
Facts about the Medulla Oblongata 1: Anatomy of the Medulla Oblongata
There are two part of oblongata. An upper open part or superior part where the dorsal surface of the medulla is formed by the fourth ventricle. The second one is a lower closed part or inferior part where the fourth ventricle has narrowed at the obex in the caudal medulla, and surrounds part of the central canal.
Facts about the Medulla Oblongata 2: External Surfaces
The external surfaces contains a fold of pia metre, and extends along the length of the medulla oblongata.

the amazing facts about the medulla oblongata
Facts about the Medulla Oblongata 3: The Base of Medulla
The base of medulla oblongata is defined by the commissural fibres, crossing over from the ipsilateral side in the spinal cord to the contralateral side in the brain stem, below this is the spinal cord.
Facts about the Medulla Oblongata 4: Blood Supply
Arteries are the resource of the blood suplly.
Facts about the Medulla Oblongata 5: Anterior Spinal Artery
Anterior spinal artery is the blood supply that supplies the whole medial part of the medulla oblongata.
Facts about the Medulla Oblongata 6: Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery
Posterior inferior cerebellar artery is the blood suplly which is a major branch of the vertebral artery, and supplies the posterolateral part of the medulla, where the main sensory tracts run and synapse. It also supplies part of the cerebellum.

the amazing facts about the medulla oblongata
Facts about the Medulla Oblongata 7: Vertebral Artery
Direct branches of the vertebral artery: the vertebral artery supplies an area between the other two main arteries, including the solitary nucleus and other sensory nuclei and fibers.
Facts about the Medulla Oblongata 8: Development
Neuroblasts from the alar plate of the neural tube at this level will produce the sensory nuclei of the medulla. The basal plate neuroblasts will give rise to the motor nuclei.
Facts about the Medulla Oblongata 9: Function
The functions of medulla oblongta such as the control of ventilation via signals from the carotid and aortic bodies. As a cardiovascular centre, as a vasomotor centre and as the reflex centres of vomiting, coughing, sneezing and swallowing.

the amazing facts about the medulla oblongata
Facts about the Medulla Oblongata 10: Clinical Significance
A blood vessel blockage (such as in a stroke) will injure the pyramidal tract, medial lemniscus, and the hypoglosal nucleus. this cause a syndrome named medial medullary syndrome. Lateral medullary syndrome can be caused by the blockage of either the posterior cerebellar artery or of the vertebral arteries.
I have presented the facts about medulla oblongata, how do you feel, is this article help you to know little more about the medulla oblongata?