10 Facts about Landing on the Moon

Post On: November 25, 2016
By: Agustina

Facts about Landing on the Moon tell the readers about the arrival of a spacecraft on the moon. The missions for moon landing can be conducted with manned or unmanned ones. On 13 September 1959, Luna 2 mission of Soviet Union was successfully landed on the surface of moon. On 20th July 1969, the first manned mission to reach the moon’s surface was successfully conducted by Apollo 11 from United States. Get other interesting facts about Landing on the Moon below:

Facts about Landing on the Moon 1: the moon landing of United States

In 1969 until 1972, United States conducted six manned landings on moon.  The unmanned mission has been performed too.

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landing on the moon pic

Facts about Landing on the Moon 2: the successful manned mission

The only country in the world, which successfully conducts the manned landing mission on moon, is United States.

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Facts about Landing on the Moon 3: the first soft landings on moon for USSR

The first soft landings on moon were conducted by the USSR in 1966. It employed the Luna 9 and Luna 13 missions when taking pictures of lunar surface during the soft landings.

Facts about Landing on the Moon 4: the lunar soil sample for USSR

On 20 September 1970, the USSR obtained the lunar soil sample by using Luna 16 probe.

landing on the moon

landing on the moon

Facts about Landing on the Moon 5: the failure

It is not a new thing to spot failure during the launch of unmanned lunar rover missions. During the landing, Luna 23, Luna 18 and Luna 15 crashed.

Facts about Landing on the Moon 6: the total men landed on moon

The moon had been landed by 12 men. During the six NASA missions, there would be two pilot-astronauts of United States flew a Lunar Modular.

facts about landing on the moon

facts about landing on the moon

Facts about Landing on the Moon 7: the manned mission of United States

The first successful manned mission of United States to reach the moon was conducted from 20 July 1969 UTC and ended on 14 December 1972 UTC.

Facts about Landing on the Moon 8: Apollo 11

Apollo 11 broke the record of the world for it became the first the successful manned mission on Moon. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on moon.

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Facts about Landing on the Moon 9: Apollo 17

Apollo 17 was the last manned mission to moon for United States with Gene Cernan and Jack Schmitt. The last person to step on moon surface was Cernan.

landing on the moon facts

landing on the moon facts

Facts about Landing on the Moon 10: the Command Module

The Command Module was always presented in all lunar missions using Apollo.

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