10 Facts about Life in USSR under Stalin

Post On: January 15, 2017
By: Agustina

Facts about Life in USSR under Stalin tell us about the life in Soviet Union under the leadership of Joseph Stalin. In the mid-1920s until his death in 1953, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin led Soviet Union. He was considered as a dictator in the country. In the communist party, he was the General Secretary of Central Committee. The first Politburo established in 1917 consisted of seven members. Stalin was one of them. Other members included Trotsky, Bubnov, Sokolnikov, Kamenev, Zinoviev and Lenin.

Facts about Life in USSR under Stalin 1: the function of the first Politburo

The function of the first Politburo was to manage the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917. In 1922, Stalin was appointed as General Secretary in Communist Party.

Life in USSR under Stalin Facts

Life in USSR under Stalin Facts

Facts about Life in USSR under Stalin 2: the death of Vladimir Lenin

Stalin was capable for repressing the criticism toward Lenin after his death in 1924. He still served as the Secretary General of the party. In 1952, the post was eliminated. In 1941 onward, Stalin served as the Premier of Soviet Union.

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Facts about Life in USSR under Stalin 3: the concept of Stalin’s leadership

“Socialism in One Country” was considered as the concept of Stalin’s leadership in Soviet Union.  The idea was challenged by Leon Trotsky. He believed that the continuous international revolutions should be applied to spread socialism.

Facts about Life in USSR under Stalin 4: the economy under Stalin

The economy under Stalin was highly centralized. He removed the Lenin’s New Economic Policy.

Facts about Life in USSR under Stalin

Facts about Life in USSR under Stalin

Facts about Life in USSR under Stalin 5: the effect of the new economic concept

The new economic concept applied by Stalin increased the collectivization and industrializing in Soviet Union.   The Soviet Union appeared as a country with industrial power. In the past, it was known as an agrarian country.

Facts about Life in USSR under Stalin 6: the Gulag Labour Camps

Millions of people were jailed in Gulag Labour Camps. This event coincided with the economic changes.

Life in USSR under Stalin

Life in USSR under Stalin

Facts about Life in USSR under Stalin 7: the Soviet Famine

In 1932 and 1933, the Soviet Union faced the catastrophic famine due to the new economic changes. It was caused by the disturbed food production. The famine was called the Holodomor in Ukraine.

Facts about Life in USSR under Stalin 8: Great Purge

Great Purge was organized by Stalin in 1934 until 1939. The main function was to eliminate millions of the enemies of working class.

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Facts about Life in USSR under Stalin 9: the relationship

Stalin had close relation with the leader of North Korea, Kim Il-sung and the leader of China, Mao Zedong.

Stalin 1902

Stalin 1902

Facts about Life in USSR under Stalin 10: Cold War

The Cold War between US and Soviet Union took place due to the raise of tension of the Western World partly contributed by Stalin.

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