10 Facts about Listening to Music

Post On: February 11, 2017
By: Agustina
In: Music

Facts about Listening to Music talk about an activity that people like to do during their spare time. Today, music is a part of people’s life.  The dynamics, rhythm, pitch, and sonic qualities are several elements of music. Various music genres that people like to listen are rapping, hip-hop, R&B, pop, country and many more. Let us get other interesting facts about listening to music below:

Facts about Listening to Music 1: the types of music

Music comes in various types. They include the religious music, traditional music, popular music, and art music.

Facts about Listening to Music

Facts about Listening to Music

Facts about Listening to Music 2: the classical music

The classical music was the compositions written in 17th and 18th century.

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Facts about Listening to Music 3: the contemporary music

The contemporary music was established during the 20th and 21 century with the rise of avant-garde and jazz music.

Facts about Listening to Music 4: where to listen music

Listening to music is conducted using various media. You can go to an orchestra performance, rock concert or enjoy the live music. If you do not have time to go to a concert, you may listen to the music from your IPod, DVD player or even cell phone.

Listening to Music Facts

Listening to Music Facts

Facts about Listening to Music 5: the recorded music

The music has been recorded and sold.  Therefore, the people can listen to their favorite and new music from the Smartphone, CD player, MP3 player, radio and TV.

Facts about Listening to Music 6: the importance of music

Listening to music is for not only fun and entertainment. Some people consider it as a part of their religious life.

Listening to Music Pic

Listening to Music Pic

Facts about Listening to Music 7: the important ceremonies and social activities

The social activities are often accompanied by music. You can dance well with music to listen. The importance ceremonies such as wedding reception and graduation involve music.

Facts about Listening to Music 8: the music therapy

Listening to music is also considered as a part of music therapy. The people may decrease the level of stress, anger and depression by listening to their favorite music.

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Facts about Listening to Music 9: easy listening music

Easy listening music was considered as one of the most popular genres in 1950s until 1970s.

Listening to Music

Listening to Music

Facts about Listening to Music 10: the features of easy listening music

The non-rock vocal is considered as one of the primary features in easy listening music.

What do you think on facts about listening to music?