Let me show you about medium-sized wild cats on Facts about Lynx. The face features long whiskers. Lynx also has tufts of black hair located at the ears and a short tail. Walking on snow is easy to do due to the presence of padded paws. The limbs often have dark brown spots. The body color is ranging from beige-white, golden brown and medium brown. The bellies and chest feature white fur. The climate affects the paw size, fur length and coloring of Lynx.
Facts about Lynx 1: the Lynx in United States
The characteristics of Lynx in Southwestern United States can be seen from the less and smaller padded paws, dark body color and short hair.
Facts about Lynx 2: the colder climate
When Lynx lives in colder climate, it will have lighter color, thicker fur and larger paws. Compared to human foot and hand, their paws are larger.

Facts about lynx
Facts about Lynx 3: species
Lynx has a number of species. Eurasian lynx is the largest species. Canada lynx and bobcat are the smallest species of lynx.
Facts about Lynx 4: Eurasian lynx
Eurasian lynx has the biological name of Lynx lynx. It is the largest size of lynx. This lynx is originated from Siberian, Central Asian and European forests.
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Facts about Lynx 5: the conservation status
The population of Eurasian lynx earns the least concern status. In Europe, lynx is called as the third largest predator. Every single day, this species has to consume at least a kg of meat.

lynx Pictures
Facts about Lynx 6: the body color
The body color of Eurasian lynx is different according to the season. During the winter season, it has thicker greyish-brown or silver-grey tone. It has the brown or reddish and short coat during summer season. Roe deer is the favorite prey for Eurasian lynx, which lives in woodlands.
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Facts about Lynx 7: Canada lynx
Canada lynx can be found living Alaska and Canada. They are ranging in tundra and forest. In 1970s, the lynx had been extirpated in Colorado. It was reintroduced in Colorado by 2010.
Facts about Lynx 8: the abilities of lynx
Lynx has the ability to swim and climb. They can be found living under the rock ledges and fallen trees by creating rough shelters.

Facts about Lynx 9: Iberian lynx
Iberian lynx has the scientific name of Lynx pardinus. The conservation status of this lynx is endangered.
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Facts about Lynx 10: bobcat
Bobcat is prevalent in southern Canada. The biological name is Lynx rufus. They can be found living in woodlands, coniferous or deciduous forest.
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