10 Facts about Medicine in The Middle Ages

Post On: February 11, 2018
By: Andi

Interesting facts about Medicine in the Middle Ages talk the development of medicine in the mediaval term. The extremely improvement of Middle Ages Medicine caused by the phenomenal plague illnes named Black Death. This desease had killed nearly one third population of the world. The other fun facts will be presented below.

Facts about Medicine in The Middle Ages 1 : The Innitial

The practic of medicine in the middle ages had been begun by the Greek tradition. Hippocrates assigned as the “father of medicine”, he desciber that body as made up of four elements, which were yellow bile, phlegm, black bile, and blood, then controled by four elements (e.g. fire, water, earth, and air).

Facts about Medicine in The Middle Ages 2 : Temple Healing

The Greeks had been influenced by the neighbour, Egyptian not only in surgery and medication, but the Greeks also assimilated many folk healing practices (i.e. incantations and dream healing). Hundreds of temples found throughout the Greek and Roman empire for cures.

anatomical man

Facts about Medicine in The Middle Ages 3 : Pagan and Folk Medicine

Pagan and folk practices are the sources of medicine in the middle ages. Based on the article on the internet, the practices of medicine adopted by Christian medical practitioners around 2nd century, then the attitudes toward pagan and folk traditions.

Facts about Medicine in The Middle Ages 4 : Medicine

Medicine being developed during the Renaissance of the 12th century, which were many medical texts both on Ancient Greek Medicine and on Islamic medicine were translated from Arabic during the 13th century. Then Avicenna (Indian and muslim physicians ) was the most influential practitioners in medicine from his text “The Canon of Medicine”. The Canon became an authoritative text in European medical education even until the early modern period.

Facts about Medicine in The Middle Ages 5 : Classical Medicine

The existance of herbal was showing the persistence of elements of classical medical knowledge. Galen was the most influential ancient physicians, he described the four classical symtomps of inflamation (e.g. redness, pain, heat, and swelling) and added much to science of infectious disease and pharmacology.

Facts about Medicine in The Middle Ages 6 : Medieval Surgery

Medieval surgery introduced by Ancient Egyptian, Greek and Arabic Medicine. The most influential physician and pratitioner in surgical or anatomical practices was Galen. The accomplisment and advancement of medicine text translated from Arabic to Latin. Initially, in Paris of the late 13th century, surgery was deemed as extremely disorganised pratice until the appearing of universities allowed for surgery to be a discipline that should be learned and be discussed to others as a uniform practice.

a dentist who treat patient

Facts about Medicine in The Middle Ages 7 : Advances

The Middle Ages period gave a big contributin in advancement of medical knowledge. Progress in surgery, medical chemistry, dissection, and practical medicine occured in this term. The middle ages brought more significant of discoveries in heallthy facet.

Facts about Medicine in The Middle Ages 8 : Humours

Humour is the underlying principle of medieval medicine. The theory claimed that every indivudual there were four humours, namely black bile, phlegm, yellow bile and blood.

Facts about Medicine in The Middle Ages 9 : Herbalism

Herbs basicly applied in salves and drinks to heal a sort of maladies. The kind of herb largely influenced by local culture and often pre-Christian religion.

the illustration of veins path in the 13th century

Facts about Medicine in The Middle Ages 10 : Medical Universities in Medieval Europe

The University of Salerno was considered as the provenance of medical practitioners in the 9th and 10th century, then the profilation of this subject recognised in the University of Paris (1150), Bologna (1158), Oxford (1167), Montpeler (clarification needed) (1181) and Padua University (1222).

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